Hey, It's Been A While

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Hello My Friends, I know yall probably didn't miss me, but you get to read my awkward journal entry anyway :)

So anyway, I went to Nicaragua last week for a volunteer trip to help the kids there play baseball, and we gave out equipment, and then taught them some mechanics of how to play baseball and it was so fun, the looks on their faces were so amazing even though most of them couldn't speak English, they tried so hard to work with us and get better at the game that they love.

One of the days we played on this field that backed up to a shantytown, and this woman was sweeping what would have been her porch, but was really just a patch of dirt, and it seemed as though she was trying to show us that she took pride in her little share of the world. It was so eye-opening for me and I'm so excited to go back next year.

So yea... That's all I have right now,



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