Chapter 6

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The loud noise was heard from downstairs. I quickly sprung out of bed   Grabbing my double daggers and ran down the stairs. My eyes widened at the scene and soon relief fell onto my body as I looked down at Gabi on the floor.

"Gabi what happened!" I yelled with worry but also holding back a obnoxious laugh. Gabi was on the floor clutching two plates as pancakes clung to her head an body, whip cream every where.

"I-I I didn't mean to!!! I I tripped over..." She stuttered as heat flushed over her face from embarrassment. As she looked over to the item that made her fall the embarrassment turned to anger an she glare at me. I gave her a curious look and then noticed what had caught my 'little sister' by surprise. My school bag.

"Oh how'd that get there?" I gave her a sarcastic unknowing voice. I scratched the back of my head an gave her a weak smile as I shrugged.

"Dani don't leave your stuff around it's dangerous!" Gabi yelled an I replied by giving another shrug and putting my daggers down. Placing my hand out for her to grab she smiled at me an grabbed it, but sadly by my surprise she pulled me down into the sticky mess getting whip cream all over me.

"GABI!!!" I yelled an laughed out.

We sat there in our mess just laughing. It reminded me of simpler times. Aunt Mary use to make us pancakes all the time when we were younger. We made a mess back then too. Even when my parents were still around We always made them laugh with our messes. They wouldn't even reprimand us they would just laugh. Their laugh... I miss it. I miss my moms laugh it was so contagious.  Deep in sorrowful thoughts I didn't realize Gabi was talking to me until she threw a pancake at me. I snapped out of it and glared at her as she laughed.

"Would you stop zoning out when I talk to you!" She laughed/yelled out at me.

I smiled an got up. I looked at the oven timer it was only six-ten in the morning.

"This has to be clean before we go to school!" I said firmly and she sighed looking at the mess. I grabbed my daggers and went up stares grabbing my toiletries out of my room an heading to the bathroom. I strip off the sticky clothes and turn the shower on.

I couldn't help but let my thoughts wonder as I bathed in the warm water.

My thoughts first going to painful memories of my parents.

The last night I saw them as they dropped me off at uncle Charles and Aunt Mary. That memory seems like it just happened yesterday. Their image burning into my head. It was late we had spent the whole day together as a family taking me to my favorite places. The movies, the ice cream shop, the park. When they dropped me off my dad had to carry me to the front door and hand me over to uncle Charles as I faded in and out of sleep. The last moment I have of them is when they each kissed my forehead and gave me a loving good bye.

Tears began to fill my eyes in the shower as I thought further of my parents.

A few months went by after my parents had said good bye. They would call me every night to say goodnight and every morning to say good morning. It was there way of telling me they were okay. I always knew what they did, they were so open and honest with me. The best parents ever.....I didn't get a phone call one night and Aunt Mary reassured me they probably just got busy.

Then in the morning I didn't get a call. I told uncle Charles and that night Uncle Charles came home with puffy red eyes and smelling of alcohol. There was a piercing scream from My aunt in the kitchen as Uncle Charles told her the news.

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