Chapter 2

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Samanthia's clothes she wears for the first day of school.

*beep, beep, beep!*
I turn off my alarm and roll out of bed. Uuuuugggggghhhhhh! I am not a morning person. No matter how excited I am the night before, depending upon what it is I'm waking for, I could be excited. School is not one of them.
I stopped being excited when I started middle school. Mama would literally have to call my name repeatedly and tell me how long before we would leave, as always, I would be rushing last minute. I'm trying my hardest to be a morning person 'cause I enjoy the sunrise, I've always found it pretty. This morning, I'm not sure if I'll get to see it.

I use the restroom, put on my clothes, grab my bag, and close my bedroom door, locking it. I finally get to lock my door! Only cause Emalie is a big mess maker, and Mama is finally letting me!
     I head downstairs and meet Mama and Papa in the kitchen/dining room. I grab a small bag of berries and kiss my mama on her forehead. I go kiss Dad on the cheek.
     "See ya, I'm picking up Lily so we can get ourselves settled early. Love you, bye-bye!" I say as I leave the room and go to put on my shoes.

     I get out and start my car. I have a Ford Tahoe and it's dark blue. The setup inside is a white/ivory color. I wanted the inside a lighter color so I don't get as hot easily and so I don't burn my butt when I sit.
     I pull out and begin heading to Lily's, I turn on the radio and listen to the music playing on my country station. I tap my fingers to the beat while I drive. I sometimes will sit in silence but Lily will plug her music in when I get to her place. I used to find her music really, how do I put this, exotic and old, but as I listen I get a lot of great advice from her music, it's even got some great rhythm to it. So now I enjoy it as much as she does.

     I pull up beside Lily's driveway and beep the horn. What. I could be waking up the neighborhood, I find this funny. She speeds out and gets in. She can be energetic when she really wants to be, but most of the time she's calm. I don't mind either personality, it makes her, her. I like when she gets boy crazy though, she doesn't like it but to me it rarely happens, so I enjoy it as much as I can. She clicks her seatbelt and plugs in her phone. I'm about to step on the gas to get goin when she stops me.
     "Samanthia, seatbelt?"
     I roll my eyes, but click my seatbelt too. She doesn't like it when I drive without a seatbelt. She's anxious about the incident that almost got me killed cause I wasn't wearing it. I won't go into much detail cause that's a story for another time, but let's just say I have a scar on my abdomen from it, it almost goes across from side to side.

     She plays her music and The Beatles start up. She turns the radio down so we can chat while on our way. We text a lot but we have normal conversations too.
     "How's your summer? Are you gonna miss it?" Lily asks.
     "Uh, yeah. I'm gonna miss it. At the library almost 15 hours a day, pure joy. School year starting, it's like I get put in a bloody prison for 8-9 hours a day. It gets annoying, and tiring."
     "Hmm. I'm not really gonna miss it. I get to see Brian again. I haven't talked to him or seen him."

     Who's Brian you may ask. Oh he's just the guy who she's been crushing on for 4 years now! I find it amazing that they haven't asked eachother out yet! It's only cause Jack keeps on getting in the way. I swear, one day I'm gonna bury him in the bottom of a damn river. He's an ass to Lily, she knows it too. He will just make things so awkward for them. He just won't stop!
     Me? I've had crushes every which way. I just decided to stop. It never gets me anywhere anyways. Plus, all the guys I met either are complete jocks who have nothing else to do other than be complete dicks, or are the quiet guys with whom I'm always uncomfortable with cause they just don't speak, even if they do, it just makes the situation more awkward. Lily still teases me, it's fun cause I can get flustered. I enjoy making possibilities in my head, but I don't count on any of it happening.

     We arrive at school and I park on the side, away from the main doors. When I figure out my schedule and match it up with Lily's then I can find the right spot to park at if she ever needs a ride. Plus I don't want to get stuck in the fricken traffic that goes on, it's a nuthouse! People can get very rude and inconsiderate. I've had to get my car fixed a few times cause I've gotten dents from freshmans. The repairman I see even knows my own name from the amount of times I've gotten it fixed.
     Call me a dude but I seriously treasure my car. Not because it's cool, please, it's not, but cause it's the only car I'm gonna get. My job pays well so I can get it fixed up. Last year I had to take it in over 10 times! Unbelievable! How many students can dent my beautiful car in a year, hundreds!

     We get our schedules and look at em together in the halls. We're luckily in the same locker area. I look at my schedule:
7:50-8:45 Literature / Ms. Karen
8:51-9:44 Theatre / Mr. Jeycobs
9:50-10:45 Photography & Sketching / Ms. Lysef
10:51-11:44 Choir / Ms. Daniel
11:50-12:45 Lunch
12:51-1:44 Design / Mrs. Sandra
1:50-2:45 Dance / Mrs. Nevaeh
2:51-3:10 Homeroom / Mr. Ferris
Yes! I got the best teachers, Mr. Jeycobs is quite, strong at teaching his class, but he's fine. Lily and I switch so we can see who we have. I take a look at her schedule:
7:50-8:45 Yoga / Mrs. Lorey
8:51-9:44 Painting / Ms. Flowre
9:50- 10:17 Free Period
10:18 - 10:45 Sketching / Ms. Lysef
10:51-11:44 Pottery / Mr. Boefore
11:50-12:45 Lunch
12:51-1:44 Design / Mrs. Sandra
1:50-2:45 Cooking / Ms. Petra
2:51-3:10 Homeroom / Mr. Ferris
     We switch back to ours. Yes! We have 3 classes together! She has a free period because she is only doing sketching from Ms. Lysef. She isn't interested in photography as much as I am. She's got calm teachers. I have nicely strict and passionate teachers. The school knows us so well! Lol, we just got lucky.

     We set ourselves up in our lockers and walk around a bit looking for our classrooms. We got to meet some of the teachers. The nicer ones let us find our seats or stations before school even starts! They already knew about my disliking of crowds so they made sure that I don't get too enclosed in the classroom.
     Lily and I pick many seats by the front and by the outside windows. I like the windows cause they give me a sense of more space, and up near the front cause I can see better along if I need to go, I can get noticed and easily leave.

     By the time we're done, there's only 10 minutes before the bell rings. Lily and I go back to our lockers and grab our needed supplies for our first classes.
     "See ya Sammy!"
     "Bye Lily!"
     We turn our own ways and walk towards our first classes. Let's have a good day today! No trouble!

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