Chapter 10

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I wake up and turn in my bed to look out the window. I see that there's some dark clouds northeast. Hm, storm's comin.
       I yawn and sit up. I slip my feet into my slippers and stand up stretching. I head to my bathroom and wash up. I put on my uniform and grab my blades. Before I close my door I look around my room. Geez! It looks like a mess! I shake my head at myself and close my door. I hop down the steps and put my rollerblades by the doorway for the kitchen.
       I yawn just as I enter. I see ma made breakfast and everyone's already sittin.
       "I'm always the last one in this household, heh."
       Dad nods and my sisters dig in. I go over by Dad. He kisses my temple and give him a side-hug. I sit in the seat next to him and dig in.
       I put my plate in the sink and grab my rollerblades from the floor. Dad's in the living room and the girls went upstairs. Ma was the only one in the kitchen. I stand inbetween the open doorways.
       "See ya guys."
       "Bye R.C."
       "Bye Samanthia, have fun."
       I close the front door and sit in the porch chair. I put on my blades and begin heading to work.

       I get there 20 minutes early. I push myself in and head straight back to get a water. Ms. Pini allows us one free water bottle a week if we need it. She's a really nice lady. Many workers before me didn't really stay cause they all thought she was too mean and strict. She is strict, but she only seems mean if you're misbehaving. It sounds childish but many younger kids who are looking for a job, they sometimes think this is an easy place to work at, they think they can slack off. She catches them though, and she'll only pick the hard-workin ones. She's truly like a grandmother to us, we're all just like a family.
       I drink half the bottle and wipe my sweat. I go fix my uniform and head back out. I immediately start serving people as soon as they come through the doors but, it's pretty slow.
       I go stand behind the register and end up talking to Ed, he's the baker. He's a few years older than me, and he's in his third year of college. I was surprised when he told me he was gonna stay working here even though he's going to become a restaurant owner. He's gonna have that diploma and I asked him why he was gonna stay here. He's hopin that Pini would pass the shop to him when she decides to retire. He assured me he wasn't going to overthrow her, he's just being extra careful. He wants to take good care of the shop just as much as she does. When he asked me about a year-and-a-half ago. I told him I had no idea what I was gonna do for college.
       "Hey Gemmy! Do you know what you want to do yet?"
       "I've been taking my same classes as last year. Literature, Dance, Theatre, Design, Choir. I hope one of them, or all of them can get me a good scholarship. I have many things I want to be, it's just so hard to choose!"
       He looks towards me with a kind face.
       "Don't worry, I hope you exel in all of them. You'll always have many talents, and that'll be very useful in case something doesn't work out, and if you're having problems, come back here! I'll gladly make you a waitress again with your rockin rollerblades!"
       I smile at him.
       "Thanks, Ed!"
       He nods and heads back to baking.

       Lily comes later and we smile to eachother. We then begin waitressing and switching between doing the register.
       "So how's today going Sammy!"
       "It's been nice lately, pretty relaxed. Just wait though, we'll be back running our bums off once we wake up."
       We laugh to ourselves and we continue our job.
       Lily and I head out once we're done cleaning. We wave and I head home. She gets in her car and drives away.
       I get past the school when I feel raindrops. Damnit. I forgot my rain coat, let's hope I don't fall. All of a sudden, a red 5-seater car pulls up by me.
"Get in Samanthia!"
Kaelab says next to me. I nod and get to the passenger door. I hop in and automatically readjust the seat. Kaelab goes through the school parking lot to turn around.
"Thanks, you didn't have to pick me up ya'know. You were headin the opposite direction," I say to him.
He glances my direction.
"Don't worry about it, I was heading to a friend's house, he can wait a little longer."
My mind automatically goes to Beck.
"Actually, let me out here. I don't want to keep him waiting. I'll head home from here and you speed to his house," I say to him nervously as he pulls into my street.
"We're almost to your place, could you wait a few more seconds."
"I guess," I say defeated and slide down in the seat.
He pulls up next to my house. Before I get a chance to open the door, Kaelab unbuckles his seatbelt and takes his jacket off. He puts it over my shoulders and flips the hood up over my head. I look at him with curiosity and he just smiles sweetly.
"Thanks. You don't have to give me your jacket, you're gonna need it."
"Don't worry. There's school tomorrow so I can get it back then."
I nod.
"Mkay. Thanks for the ride, and letting me borrow your jacket."
"No problem, have a goodnight."
"You too."
I close the car door and hurry to the porch. I look at Kaelab and wave. He waves back and I go inside. I look through the door and see him turn around and drive away.
"So, who was that?"
I jump and twirl around to find my dad standing in the doorway of the living room. A smirk is across his face and curiousity is in his eyes.
"That...was...Kaelab. He picked me up around the school right when it started rainin and dropped me off."
He nods. Then looks me over.
"Did he give you his jacket too?"
I blush.
"I'm just borrowin it. I'm giving it back tomorrow at school."
"Okay. You should check the pockets though, you never know if he put his number in a pocket."
"I would do it too, just saying."
He chuckles and heads to his office. He stops in the doorway.
"Don't drag water into the house."
He shuts the office door and I take off my rollerblades. I head upstairs and rush into my room. I clean up and dry off my rollerblades. I put them back into my closet and plop into my bed. I take a look at his jacket.
Should I look? It'd be a little rude to look through his jacket, but dad said that he could've put his number in his pocket. That means he planned on pickin me up. It didn't look like he planned it though.
I decide to look through it. I check each pocket individually. In his right outer pocket, I find a photo of him and a little girl in the hospital. I see the concern and adoration in his eyes when he looks at the girl sleeping. She looks around a grade younger than Emalie.
I gasp. It's his little sister cause she has the same colored hair! What's she doin in the hospital though? Kaelab's always an egotistical jerk, is he gentle and kind with her? Maybe this is who he really is, but he has to be someone else around his friends. Why would he have to be who he is at school instead of being how he is with her and I?
I look at the clock and see it's almost supper time. I put the picture into a pocket and take it off. I lay it nicely on the bed and I slip into my pajamas. I take my socks off and slide into my slippers. I leave my room and head downstairs for supper. Emalie, ma, and dad are in and I go sit.
"Did you find anything in the pockets?" Dad asks.
"Nope, they were empty, they didn't plan it."
Dad nods and begins to eat. I eat and was the first one finished. I had put my plate in the sink when Haylie entered the room. I go kiss my parents goodnight and head upstairs. I take out the picture and lay it on my blanket. I grab my camera and take a photo of it there. If he ever is mean I can just look and remind myself that the way he's acting isn't him, at least it possibly can't.
I put it in my side table drawer under some books and carefully put back on the jacket. I do some homework for a while before the time is to 9. By the time I'm finished it's less than 20 minutes till 2100 . I go brush my teeth and wash up. I clean up my clothes and put them in a hamper. I then turn off my lights and slip into bed. I fall asleep with the photo in mind and the smell of him around me.
Hey fellow readers! I have another little update, it might get harder for me to write cause school's in a few days. No worries! I don't plan on stopping, it just could get harder for me to make time to write, so there might be longer periods of time between chapters. Please don't give up on me yet!
I also finished Lily's house! I plan on making Kaelab's house too, I just haven't had any idea how to do it! I did make Serra's though. I plan on making houses for all the'll take a long time but it, will, be, worth it!!

Lily's house, first floor:

Lily's house, second floor:

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Lily's house, second floor:

Serra's house, first floor:

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Serra's house, first floor:

Serra's house, second floor:

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Serra's house, second floor:

There's all I have so far! I've drawn out street plots for where their houses are

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There's all I have so far! I've drawn out street plots for where their houses are. I don't plan on showing them, but if you want to see them let me know! I'd be more than happy to put them in the book or show you them individually! Cíao for now!

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