Seven: Pain

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A pounding headache was the first thing to greet your senses. You groaned as you opened your eyes, your vision was already blurry and it didn't help you that there was little light in the room. As you adjusted to the darkness your eyes darted from the checkered patterned tile floor to the empty room and stone walls. Your heart began to beat rapidly as your mind began to fill with confusion and fear.

This wasn't your living room. You had no idea where you were.

It wasn't until you sat up that you noticed something heavy around your left ankle and the sound of metal rattling. It didn't take a genius to figure out that you were chained to the wall behind you.

"Shit," you cursed under your breath as you attempted to pull yourself away from the restraints. "This can't be happening to me...what kind of twisted dream is this.."

"This is no dream," an annoyed voice came from the darkest corner of the room. Chills shot through your spine as Ayato stepped out of the shadows.

"It's about fucking time you woke up. Do you have any idea how god damn boring it is watching someone out cold for six hours?"

You just stared at him, you had no idea how to react to anything at the moment. You were just a normal college student who happened to watch your friends be viciously attacked, and now you sat chained to a wall face to face with a flesh eating ghoul who kidnapped you. What a fucking day it was.

The indigo haired boy frowned, gritting his teeth. "Are you going to fucking say something or what?" He asked annoyed.

"Why am I here?" You managed to spit out.

He looked down and chuckled. "You don't even realize what you got yourself into do you?" He asked and looked back at you. "Spending too much time around ghouls is going to get you into trouble."

Your heart hammered in your chest. "I don't hang around your kind you've got it all wrong!" You exclaimed.

"But I don't," he grinned. "You know what I am, right?" He started to walk closer towards you, his eyes changing back into those frightening black and red eyes.

"Did you know that other pathetic girl at the coffee shop is my sister?" He crouched down in ground of you his sadistic smile still plastered into his face. "You're supposed to be smart, can you figure out what that means?"

A lump formed in your throat, you had the idea in your head but you didn't want to believe it. You hung your head avoiding eye contact.

Ayato laughed, "that isn't even the best part!" He grabbed a fistful of your (h/c) hair, and you yelped in pain. He forced you to look into his terrifying eyes.

"You seem to have caught feelings for that one-eyed scum. A pathetic halfling What's his name again? Oh yea, Kaneki."

You couldn't stop yourself from trembling now, your mind a scrambled mess trying to process this information. The boy you liked was part ghoul. You had no idea that was even possible? And it seems like all your friends have been ghouls all along..

Ayato enjoyed reading the emotions in your eyes from your internal turmoil. The fear and pain in your eyes were evident and it excited him seeing you such a mess. He finally let go of your hair and pushed you back onto the floor. You attempted to scooch away into a nearby corner but you weren't going anywhere. Ayato stepped on your chain, restricting the slack and keeping you in place.

"Do you really want to know why you're here?" He asked.

You avoided looking at him and focused staring at the door across the room. You weren't sure if you wanted to know anymore. The faint sound of painful screams echoed through the room, causing to look around before looking back at Ayato wide eyed in fear.

He just smirked as the wailing continued off and on. You recognized them almost right away, it was Kaneki.

"W-why are you hurting him?!" You choked out. "Make it stop!" You covered your ears fighting the stream of tears now pouring from your eyes.

Ayato just laughed and grabbed the chain beneath his foot, he started to reel you in closer to him as you struggled. Clawing at the tile did nothing. He hovered over you and pinned your hands above your head, forcing you to listen to Kaneki shrieking.

"He's in pain!! Please stop!!" You cried out struggling against him, but the dark haired ghoul was too strong.

"(F/n)," Ayato moved a strand of hair out of your face. "Nothing could hurt him worse than knowing that you are the one in pain.."

His grip around your wrists tightened and you winced in pain. You heard the snapping of bones and ripping of skin as two fiery kagune burst from his back. You swore at that moment your heart stopped beating. He looked down into your petrified eyes with a sinister smile.

"And that's why you are here my dear."



It's not the best but I hope it makes up for my absence. I'm also working on another story!! Keep your eyes out for that. Please vote for my story and leave a comment if you enjoyed, thank you so much for reading!!

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