Chapter 1

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      My life began under a lake, Yes I said under, I was born within the depths of Lake Paluma in a small patch of sea grass and Kelp. I am not an animal and I am not a mermaid, I am a dragon, One of the magical creatures that roam the earth and rule the skies, or in my case; the seas.

    I had scales the color of emerald vines, along my belly were scales the color of new grass, bright and shiny, I had wings, oh yes I had wings and they were small and underdeveloped but one day soon they would be fully functional. Until the day that my wings were ready to bear my weight in flight I would remain in the depths of the lake, satisfying my hunger by eating large amounts of fish. I had no worries other then to fill my belly and to bury myself in the sand where I could rest. I'm not yet very big, only about five feet long from nose to tail but I wasn't worried, I would soon grow large and strong. 

One morning I swam up to the surface to float along the top and bask in the sunshine, when I arrived at the surface I saw something that I didn't quite understand. It looked like a foreign creature, one that i had never seen before. It had two long limbs that ended in flat feet, a long torso with two skinny arms attached to the side. The head was placed upon a slender and skinny neck and it looked like this creature had long brown fur that sprouted from its head and hung halfway down it's body. This creature was sitting by the edge of the lake and dangling its feet into the water.  Curious I swam closer for a better look, I kept my head below the water and only let my eyes and nostrils poke above the water. I was impossible to see since the water was as green as I was, so the creature didn't even see me approaching. I was within a few feet of this thing before it finally saw me, I was not prepared for the way that it would react.

The thing screamed very loudly, which hurt my sensitive ears and started to throw things at me. It flung whatever items that it could get into its hands at me. Something hard smashed into my nose and I sneezed loudly and ducked my head below the water for a second.

I wondered if this creature was smart like I was, curious I cast out my thoughts hoping to make contact with it. My mind hit upon a thin wall, that once it felt the brush of my mind fell down like a curtain.

Wha-who? What are you?  were the first things that my mind came up with. I projected an image of myself into the waiting mind, I didn't yet know how to speak this language but it wouldn't take long for me to master it.

Dragon? Dangerous? What is your name? This was the next thought that was sent my way. Happy to oblige I sent her a feeling of agreement and popped my head back above the surface, stretched out my long neck higher into the air and forcefully shook my head No. Wanting to make sure that she knew I was harmless I slowly approached shore and once I was close enough I butted her gently with my nose. I had to give her props for bravery, although she shook like a leaf and her eyes were wild with fear she didn't move an inch.

As for a name, I didn't have one, so I drew my fore-paw out of the water slowly, once she saw this she involuntarily took a few hurried steps backwards but all I did was point at myself and send her feelings of confusion, hoping that she would get the message.

She did "So you don't have a name?" she whispered aloud "Then may I give you one?" I thought about it for a second then I nodded my assent. She stood there and thought for a moment then said "Evard" Letting out a snort of air I shook my head vigorously, She rattled off a few more names that sounded very masculine to my ears before I finally interrupted her thoughts and sent her an image of a female. "Oh, you're a girl like me. Then what if I name you Emailia" the name had a nice sound to it so I nodded my agreement.

I wanted to know what her name was, so I sent her a picture of herself while at the same time I pointed at her with a claw. "Oh you want to know who I am?" she asked with a slightly startled look on her face.

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