Mysterious Cadet

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As our training grows increasingly gruelling, Mother, I'm afraid my letters will grow shorter and less frequent. Fear not, however, as I shall continue to write to you as oft as I can.
The girl I spoke of in my first letter continues to outperform every one of the recruits. I say she is nothing, if not a natural-born mage. I have made great progress throughout the month and now I am able to call and command Ezdrean by thought alone. I will keep you informed of any changes.
With regards.

"I need to figure if that girl will tutor me in regards to the lessons we've already covered..." I thought aloud to Ezdrean as I prepared to send him away with the letter.

"If that's the case, why don't you just ask me?" I jumped at the anonymous voice as Ezdrean departed hurriedly. "And rather than referring to me as 'that girl,' why don't you ask me what I go by?" She scolded.

"I - uh.." I lost all thought and took a moment to recover. "Apologies. I'm not very skilled in human interaction, and, admittedly, I was rather intimidated by how well you're progressing here. Might I inquire as to the title you go by?"

"Leviana, is my name. Though, I prefer Levi, if you will." She introduced herself in such a manner that could only have originated in a family from Argedon. "And your name?"

I straightened my spine and recalled the mannerisms my mother had raised me into from birth. "My name is Samandriel." I started. "Sam is just fine, if it pleases you. And I am pleased to finally make your acquaintance."

"Charmed. Now, what was this about a tutor? You were planning to ask me if I would tutor you in magik, was it?" She paused as an intriguing aura emitted about her person. "I'll do it! But only if you promise to be my friend."

"Friend?" I echoed. "Of course, I'll be your friend, but why would you need me to promise such a simple task?" I inquired.

"We start in the morning, so make sure you get plenty of rest tonight!" And with that, she was gone.

As I lay in my bunk that night, I couldn't help but wonder why Leviana would make me promise to be her friend. She was beautiful, and, from my limited experience with her, she was exceedingly kind-hearted. As I thought on it, my eyes became increasingly difficult to hold open, so I gave up fighting and drifted to slumber.

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