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"Where are you?"

Samantha on phone and I purposely made her wait there. That's an assurance because she does that every time we go out. A little pay back.

"I'm close"

She's waiting in the post office, where our very good friend is working. We'll start our job hunt there.

"Make sure of that because we've got lots of places to go"


Then the call went off and I speed up my walk and I can see her from a far now.

"You really made me wait?"

Not even a good morning from you Sam. Nice one though.

"As if you don't do that to me"

Then we went inside feeling positive and optimistic. I should find a job now. That's a mark!

"Good morning Post Officer Milton"

Samantha greeted her and Pia is really shocked. Maybe because we've seen each other since the last time that we sent a letter to Samantha's mother and it was 4 years ago, precisely.

"Hey, why'd you drop by?" She asked with her undying country side tone of voice

"Just came for a visit"

Nice try Samantha. But you're not a country side girl. Trust me. She sounds absolutely funny.

"Come sit here friends. I'm sorry for the mess. I'm currently sorting the letters"

"It's fine. We can help you out while chatting"

I added and took some envelope with me.

"How to do this again?"Samantha asked for instructions.

"Read the address of where the letter should be sent and group them"

I should start asking now. Here we go.

"Hey, Pia. Is this establishment open for hiring?"

"Oh, actually yesterday someone just came and said he's hired so the spot is taken."

That was fast. Atleast I tried.

"Why?" She added

"Well, our dear friend Mandy Timm is freshly unemployed and she wants to have a job real quick." Sam inserted and I don't have to explain further.

"Quick employment is not that easy Mandy. But I know an agency"

"That's great. What agency is that?" I asked out of excitement.

"An agency for nannies"


Samantha shouted in exaggeration

"An agency for nannies. There are many wealthy families who visit there and leaves their requirements if ever there are people interested to apply"

"Don't tell me you're going there Mandy"

"Why not?" I asked innocently

"Because you don't deserve that. You're better than being a nanny"

She's right. I finished college and a degree of Applied Linguistics. I know. My ex-job doesn't suit the field I studied but I don't care anymore. I need money for me to live. That's all so I should try that agency.

"We'll be going now" I stood up and pulled Samantha up.

"What? You're really serious about this?"

A Nanny of TwoWhere stories live. Discover now