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I don't need an alarm to wake me up. It's already in my physical senses that at 9 a.m, I should wake up and start preparing myself.

I will never cross that street again. Remember my realization in that avenue? It sucks. Again, I'll be in the subway waiting for the transit. After, I'll be walking few blocks and use the glass door that depicts you how you look today. And upon seeing myself, I can see the stress in me, very huge stress. I always sigh when I see my reflection.

I don't use the elevator. Why? because it takes you a while just to get inside because of the crowd that's waiting for it. There are other people who uses stairs and this is way faster than waiting in that darn elevator.
4th floor is not that far for me.

After arriving in my desk, I decided to do the tasks later. I should open my email too you know.

Unfortunately there are no messages. So, encoding should be done now.

I tried to send resumes in other companies. Just an assurance if ever they will kick me out. But no one cares about it.

"Mandy, what's up?"

It's Samantha and this time with a very confident and happy face.

"Up? I'm always down Sam" I answered with a sigh

"You should be joyful because we're safe and we still have a job"
"I can't have that assurance until that kind of policy and judgement still rules our stay"

"I feel that too. But we should atleast be happy. We are extended for another 15 days"

"Just do your job Sam"

I really don't have enough reasons to be merry. I should continue my work and stop thinking about those things and earn money.


Hearing the sound of the clock that tells me it's time to go Mandy. And it can lighten my stress. It's 6 p.m already and ofcourse it's time to walk our way to the subway.

"Mandy we've been passing lots of restaurants and you know what? I'm sick of eating that budget meal in that eatery. Can we atleast eat something new?"

"I'm saving remember?"

"Whatever. I'll eat here and go buy that boring food again. I won't stop you"

"Okay fine. Which resto are we going in?"



"Well I can't read that signage there but I guess that's French"

Me too. I can't actually read that. So we headed inside and ordered sphaggeti and this 5 year old red wine. We are sitting outside as if we are really in France. And I have to admit that deciding to spend big money just to eat here is worth it. The sphaggeti tastes great and the red wine is very quenching and the ambiance sums up.

"Let's order pizza"

Samantha said after emptying her plate.

"I'm full" I replied shortly

"Yeah me too, it's just that I want to taste it"

"Tomorrow's another day"

"You mean we'll eat here again?"

She asked with a very big smile. I shrugged and after eating, it's time to go home.

Come on, when will this apartment have some life. I mean, just opening the door to get in makes you feel the boredom and downess of this place all over again. But I have no choice but to get inside and atleast do something to end this night and welcome the other day that will come. If ever I can wake up, still.


The usual days and nights came quite common. Same habits and feels until the 15th day came again. Everybody's got this feeling again. The thrill and nervousness this day gives.
While doing my thing and waiting, I'm really getting more and more nervous. I guess it's horror for now and it'll be worse later.

Until my name is called and I walked slowly and looking from left to right seeing the other people very worried. I'm having mixed emotions but I have a news to face about my status. That darn status!

I'm about to sit down but ---

"I'm sorry you're out of the list"

What? That was fast. I don't know what to feel. I just walked out of the room as fast as I can.

People are asking me about my status but I did not bother to answer and just continued walking and headed to my desk. I don't know what's in my mind right now. I want to cry but it's not worth the tears. Screaming and cursing would be so sarcastic and cheap. Maybe I should just keep my things and leave this place.

It was great that Samantha is not here yet. So I can just bail out and show to the public here and outside that I'm unemployed now.

Passing by the tall buildings around this place is a common. I usually stop and look at the toppest floor of those buildings. Regardless of the people who can see me. But now, it's way more different because I'm bringing a cardboard box with stuffs inside that makes people think you're removed from your job.

This transit has witnessed how my life goes. And it will be the last time you will serve me. Goodbye.

I don't have the courage to walk in the Green Avenue now that everything's gone worse. The other street would be the best option even if it's very far.
Common people walk their way here. Some are the people that I've seen in the apartment I'm living and most are unemployed. So this place is well suited for me. This will take a while.

"You just left without even notifying me!"

It's Samantha who came all her way from her apartment. She's nagging at me now.

"What? Do you really want a message from me saying, "I'm fired, finally"

"Atleast I've known earlier"


"What now? You can't just sit here and do nothing. You should find another job!"

"I'm going to do that tomorrow"

"I'll go with you. It's my day off tomorrow and I don't have any appointments so I'll help you out"

"That's good to hear. Let's just see each other tomorrow. It's getting late"

"Really? 7 P.M?"

"For me it is"

"Okay then"

I came together with her on her way outside for formality.

"Mandy, I hope you're okay?"

She asked out of nowhere. And it popped in my head that I'm having trouble of what to think and feel about the issue of unemployment. And I'm not okay.

"Yeah, yes. Ofcourse"

I lied. And that's another mess I did to myself.

She gave me a hug and rubbed my back and because of that, my strap got detached and it made the two of us laugh.

I wish everynight will be like this from then on, now that the worries that company gives is out of my concern.

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