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Luckily, all of them answered and agreed on a meet up. But what's bad about is that they all agreed that it'll be today. So I have to be early again.

Mr. Liam Ong responded first and he scheduled 8:00 a.m. Real early right? He lives in New York which most of them are living too.

"Good Morning Ms. Timm. I'm Lily his secretary and I'll be taking you to his apartment room. " Wait, how did she identified me? Oh well, atleast it started easily.

After a very quiet guiding, we reached the 8th floor and as the elevator door opened. Mr. Ong is there and beside him is his daughter.

I genuinely smiled after seeing them.

"Good Morning Ms. Timm" Mr. Ong greeted.

"Good morning Sir"

"I'm really glad that you picked the requirements I sent there."

"Actually Mr. Ong, I'm not the one who picked. Ms. Leslie gave me 4 folders and you are one of them"

"Oh, I forgot. Ms. Leslie always do that to secure our qualifications."

He let me sit in this very soft sofa. I feel like my buttocks is fully sinked. I roamed my sight all over the property and this room is real classy and Chinese, obviously.

"Okay, tell me more about you"

"I'm Mandy Timm, 28. I reside in a common apartment near the Green Avenue, in New York. I finished college and unfortunately my past job fired me."

"Why?" He cutted

"Well, the company have this policy. The 15 day one on one meeting with the H.R ---"

"I heard about that company. They're really cruel" He cutted again

"Well, it's like that. But atleast, I'm least worried now."


"Well, I can't say that I have a good experience with nannying but I was able to take care of my siblings, and I think that is quite a good training"

"That's good to hear. But you know what, I really don't want to have a nanny for my little Lee but I really can't find time to bond with her nor eat with her not even sleep with her at night. That's why I decided to hire somoene."

"Well that's the most common reason why people get nannies. Because of the ratio of time and responsibility." I added

"Lee, is really shy. You can see her how shy she is. She can understand and speak english. She's in third grade and does well in school. If you will be here for good, you'll be her very first nanny slash playmate."

"We'll get to that sir"

"I hope so"

"But for now, I should be leaving. I have 3 more parents to have a little chat with"

"Just give me a call"


I left the premises and headed to the next parent. Mrs. Selena Ribbles. She lives in a condominium few blocks away from Mr. Ong's.

Right after I arrived. I headed to the front desk and tried to ask about Mrs. Ribble.

"Mrs. Ribble is really strict with visitors. Do you have an appointment with her?"

"I do. Just tell her that I'm here. Mandy Timm"

She directly dialed Mrs. Ribble and she gave me the floor and the room number. I hope someone would guide me because I'm not really keen in room searching. But I guess, I'll get there in no time.

I pressed the up-button of the elevator and ofcourse, wait for a few seconds.. As soon as it opened, I walked towards inside and pressed the 8th floor button. I feel lucky because I'm the only one who's moving inside. And I gradually arrived in just a few seconds. How that works? I don't know.

Her condo unit number is 90 and it's name is Richest. I'm thinking that she's boastful and all and yet, she gave the least salary. But I should know her better.

I knocked three times and luckily someone is starting to unlock the door.

"Yes?" A middle aged guy wearing a suit approached me

"I'm looking for Mrs. Selena Ribble" I replied

"Let her in Brian!" I guess that's her

"Please don't brand her with Mrs. Call her Ms" A little reminder from him

He widened the door and took my hand leading me to the sala. I avoided the sofa and chose the wooden classy chair. And it really made me comfortable.

"Hi" I think she's Mrs. Ribble.

"Hello" I replied softly

"So, you are Mandy Timm." She stared at me. From the toes to the head.

"Obviously" I faked a laugh

"Why are you laughing? Is your name that hilarious?"

"I'm sorry" See? That's what you get when you fake things. Humilitation it is.

I saw her sigh and continued speaking. She introduced herself and told a lot of stuffs that are irrelevant and unecessary for me to know. Like she only wears branded clothing and accesories. The hell I care. She also said that

"Tell me details about your life, your habits and most especially your behaviors" She's actually getting the tone of a classic manipulative woman. Which I seldomly see in movies.

"I'm Mandy Timm, 28 years old, I live in New York. In a common apartment near the Green Avenue"

"I can see that" She purposely cut my verse just to show her criticism to my life status. She could've atleast show respect or just listen to me. Such a well mannered person.

"I finished college and ---"



"Hmm. Proceed. Oh wait, you finished college. Why are you into nannying? Your education will be wasted. Is it your field of work?"

"Actually, I've had a job in a company as an encoder. I guess you heard about that company. The removing and replacing after 15 days?"

"Yes, how long did you lasted there?"

"Almost 9 months."


"When it comes to child caring, I had experienced taking care of my younger siblings and I think it'll be enough to ---"

"No. It's not enough. I can't believe that agency gave me an unexperienced nanny."

"You know what? This sh*t won't work. So I, we shouldn't take this any further. Thank you for the time MRS! Ribble" I really got furious and mad at her. I despise people who downgrades others just because of non-wealthiness. I mean, what's wrong about choosing nannying?

I walked out bravely and gave them a great moment of silence.
Before I'll go to the next parent, I should atleast eat or drink some refreshments just to cool down.That's what I do when I'm upset and now, I'm doing this because I'm seriously mad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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