Reunion Part 2

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*camera shows Jessica and Anaya walking towards each other, before Ana gets up and separates them*

"Okay so Anaya what was your beef with Jessica?" Tanisha asked.

"I felt like Jessica was just all over the place and like I wasn't gonna deal with that." Anaya said.

"Your all over the place, look at your body!" Jessica said.

"Oooh." The audience said.

"Girls calm down and let's take a look at how Anaya and Jessica's beef really started." Tanisha said.


Camera shows Jessica arguing with a girl at the bar.

"Please don't get me started, I'm just trying to have a good time!" Jessica said.

"Okay but your falling all over the place and you just fell on me!" The girl yelled back at Jessica.

"Okay bitch whatever!" Jessica screamed being dragged out by security.

The girls get kicked out the day bar.

INT-Anaya: Jessica can't handle her liquor and I'm not liking it. She can ride with the other hoes.

Cydney, Jessica, Karin, Dejah, and Rubi all pile into the Red Jeep. Ana and Anaya get back into the Blue Jeep.

Inside The Blue Jeep😋😑...

"Yo I can already tell I'm not gonna like that bitch." Anaya fixed her hair while looking in the mirror.

"Maybe she just had a little too much to drink, I don't know we'll see." Ana replied.

They then pull up at the house and all the girls step out and enter the house.

"Yo if anybody has a problem with what happened at the day bar, I wanna know!" Jessica said now sober.

"I have an problem with it because I feel like you kinda embarrased me, like I don't associate myself with girls who don't have respect for themselves." Anaya said.

"Who said I didn't have respect for myself though?" Jessica asked.

"Me." Anaya said in a duh tone.

INT-Jessica: Bitch I don't know you from a can of paint. So, please don't disrespect me and say I don't have respect for myself. Bitch I respect myself more than children respect their elders.

Jessica punches Anaya square in the jaw. Anaya punches back only landing two hits. Jessica grabs Anaya by her hair before pulling her down and kicking her in her stomach. Anaya reaches up and scratched Jessica in the face. Jessica yelps and repeatedly punches Anaya in her back. Anaya gets pulled away by Ana.

"Bitch you don't even know me, so don't tell me that I don't have respect for myself!" Jessica yelled.

"You don't!" Anaya said shrugging.

"You don't respect yourself either, if you did you wouldn't act like a fucking hater. You fucking insecure fat bitch!" Jessica yelled while being pulled upstairs by Cydney.

*Clip Ends*

"Now Jessica as you were being pulled away you called Anaya an insecure fat bitch and in an interview you said you felt bad for calling her that, but you're not gonna apologize for it why is that?" Tanisha asked.

"I can apologize for it, it's just that once you cut me deep I'm gonna cut deeper and she cut me deep when she said I don't have respect for myself." Jessica said.

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