Nine- Brunch

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Will's POV

"So, William," Hades began after we were all seated, Hades and Apollo at the ends of the table, Bianca and I on one side and Nico on the other, "How are you and Bianca getting along?"

"Oh we're getting along quite nicely," I smiled at Bianca, trying to seem loving.

"What have you two been up to this past week?" Hades inquired.

"Just, uh, hangin' out." I said awkwardly. Bianca gave me a look that I could tell meant 'I told you he would ask questions didn't I?'

I held back a laugh and glanced up at Nico, who was already looking at me. He blushed and look away, I just smiled. I wish it was him that I was supposed to marry.

Realizing my father was staring suspiciously, I quickly looked away, "So Lord Hades," I began, "What brings you to Cira?"


Bianca whispered in my ear, "I said he liked to ask questions, I didn't say he liked answering them." she giggled and I tried to hold back my laughter.

"So how have you been Bianca?" Hades inquired.

"I've been great, I have really started to like it here in Cira, plus I think i've really met someone special." She started right past me and I smiled, knowing that she was looking at Thalia, who was standing at the end of the room.

"Cute," Hades stated bluntly, "So I take it that the two of you are getting along quite nicely than."

"You know, I think I have found love." I stole a quick glance at Nico and he blushed.

"And Nico," Hades said, causing the boy to jump in his seat.

"uh, y-yeah." Nico stuttered.

"Do you approve?"

"Of what? Oh you mean Will? I mean sure I guess I mean yeah. Yes." Nico rambled, blushing furiously. I giggled and Nico glared at me from across the table.

I saw Hades and Apollo eyeing us suspiciously and stopped laughing. Thalia, Piper and Annabeth brought out the food and we ate. Hades asking questions every three seconds, just as Bianca had warned, and the rest of us answering the best we could.

Throughout the diner Nico and I would steal glances at each other. Whenever I caught Nico looking at me he would blush and quickly look down, I would just smile and stare lovingly as he glared back. Though sometimes, I saw a small smile behind his death glare.

Man I loved that boy.

A.N. Sorry if this chapter is really bad, I'll try to write better next chapter I was just kinda struggling with this one.

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