Chapter 13: Special Chapter!

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Nate sat there looking down at the map of the Grand Line, his bright orange hair blowing in the warm wind. It was sunny and the sky was clear just as the crystal blue sea was. The boy sat there pondering on when he should ditch the girl. He is thinking about Lily, the straw hat girl that has really seemed to take hold of his heart in a way others never could... Reason being he usual just cons and seduces the weak... Lily was nothing weak, her heart was strong and her will power was overwhelming. He loved her pure, natural kindness, yet hated his lovey dovey feelings for it. The young orange haired boy looked down at his compass, the small red arrow pointing to the east. "We have a long ways. It's a good thing we have some islands up ahead to resupply and rest." The boy looked out at the vast clear blue sea, it seemed to never end. The boy was enjoying the view till Lily stretched her head over his shoulders, covering what was a nice view with her face. "Lily!" He jumped back shocked. "I swear you baka rubberband!!! I'll kill you before we get to the next island!" Lily smirked and laughed as she fell back grabbing her stomach. Nate shot the girl a glare of anger as she slowly stopped laughing. She rubbed the back of her neck as she looked down at the map.

"Hey Nate, when do you think we'll get there to the next Island?" Lily asked as she sat down beside the boy who had fallen backwards do to her scare. "We should be there by tomorrow. With this wind speed and direction, it makes for smooth fast sailing." Lily looked down at her pinkie finger as she pulled it from her ear not bothering to listen to Nate. The boy just sighed and laid the map in front of them. "Okay so there are three islands, and then the Grand Line is in our sights. BUT! I will not be going there with you, got it? I need to get back to business." Lily looked at her confused about the whole business thing. "You must steal a lot if it's an actually business for you." Nate laughed as he knocked Lily's straw hat over her eyes. "Well the only things I like in life are money... And tangerines." He smiled, and got up from where he was sitting. "Well, if you'll excuse me I'm going to check on Zoey." Lily was still looking at the map excited at the news. Nate smiled slightly and shook his head. "You really want to do this, don't you? The whole "Queen of the Pirates" thing?"

Lily stood up quickly, smiling her wide trademark smile. "You bet! It's been a dream of mine for awhile!" Nate laughed a little at her confidence. "Well, just remember it's a tough task. I hope you're up for it." Nate then turned and walked into the small cabin that was on her small ship. Zoey was still laying there asleep, and snoring, VERY loudly. "Hey Zoey..?" He whispered to Zoey slightly shaking her. Zoey's eyes fluttered open and she let out a large yawn. "Ugh... What is it?" Nate sat on the small stool beside Zoey's bed, as the green haired girl stretched waking up slowly. "Zoey? Do you know about girls..?" Zoey looked at Nate oddly and gave him a small laugh. "That's funny Nate, considering I am one. What is it you need to know?" Nate looked down as his face heated up, a large blush forming. "Um... You think... Lily... Well, you know... Likes me?" Zoey shrugged her shoulders leaning back and placing her hand behind her head. "I honestly think she trust you a lot, even though you lied to her." Nate shot an angry glare at Zoey who really didn't seem to mind. "I had too! It was a desperate situation!" Zoey opened one of her eyes and smirked. "I think so too, it was an excuse to get to know her better." Zoey laughed to herself. This caused Nate's face to become more redder.

"Look you wanna know this stuff talk to her instead of beating around the bush." Nate looked down, knowing Zoey was right. He would have to conquer his fear and work up some courage to talk to Lily. He then thought for a moment, knowing he would be leaving the small crew soon. What was really the use? To just get to know the straw hat girl for a couple of days then just split. "Thanks Zoey this was helpful." Nate got up and walked out of the small cabin. "Thank god! Now I can rest again." Zoey said rolling her eyes and fell back to sleep. Nate as he walked back out on to the deck was surprised to see Lily without her straw hat on. Her beautiful long black hair danced in the warm ocean air. To Nate it was an incredible and rare sight to see. Her dark hair reflecting just the right amount of sunlight, his fingers were tempted to run through her silky black hair. She looked up at him and gave him her hat. "Hey Nate? Can you fix my hat... That fat nose Buggsy stabbed it..." Nate looked down at the girl and took her hat. He examined the slashes in the old yellow straw hat. "Sure thing, I should be able to stitch and sew it back for you." Lily jumped up and down excited Nate could help fix her treasure.

"And the last one!" Nate took his teeth and bit the thread off, tying it firmly in place. "Here you go Lily, good as new." Lily took a look at her now fixed up treasure. Her excitement couldn't be contained as she wrapped her thin arms around Nate squeezing him tightly. "Thanks!! It really is good as new!" That moment when Nate saw her expression and felt her body against him, everything else stopped. That moment was something he didn't want to end and it did feel as though it was longer than a normal hug. Lily pulled away putting on her straw hat. "It fits better too!" She ran to the front of the boat and stood on the edge her arms stretched out wide. "Look out Grand Line! Here I come!" Nate sat on the large crate and watched the girl, he looked down thinking about leaving again, knowing he'd have to depart from the small crew sometime or another. He smiled and looked back up at Lily. "I'll cherish moments like this, until that day comes."

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