Chapter 4: Showdown with Ax Arm Morgan!

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(((Previously on One Piece: Tale of the Queen
"AIM!" Zoey's thoughts were interrupted by Morgan's loud orders. She was staring down the barrel of multiple rifles. Her promise... would she even live to fulfill it...? "I can't die here... Kuina I'm sorry!" She bowed her head and closed her eyes tightly. Ready to accept her fate. "FIRE!")))

Zoey slowly opened her eyes, looking down to see no wounds. Confused she looked and that's when she saw Lily standing in front of them. "Kid! She's been hi-" Lily then laughed at Zoey's reaction when she had seen the bullets that were shot at the girl didn't go through, but stretched through her. "What the hell are you?!" Zoey said shocked at the way the straw hats girl's body reacted to the bullets. "Gum-Gum Slingshot!" Lily released all the bullets in her body at once as they flew in every direction, killing some of the Marines in the front of the line and some in the back as well. "I'm the girl who's gonna become Queen of the Pirates!" Zoey watched in shock and amazement. "What the hell!?" Morgan yelled, angered at the fallen men. "Get them!" He said swinging his ax in the direction of the trio. Coby finished untying Zoey, as she rubbed her sore wrist from being tied up for so long. The Marines drew their swords, but kept their distance, fearing what powers she held. "Um... Sir that's Zoey... Her sword skills will out match ours..." Morgan glared over at the scrawny looking Marine as his sword shook in his hands. "Whoever said that... SHOOT YOURSELF NOW!" He yelled at the Marine, a series of veins began protruding.

"But sir..." "DO IT! That's an order." The Marine pulled his pistol and put it to his head, tears fell down his cheeks as he pulled the trigger. His lifeless body fell backwards, and lay there in a pool of blood. Morgan looked up a grin on his face as the young Marine fell to the ground. "Good! Now anyone else want to defy me!? Now then kill them!" Lily threw Zoey her swords and stretched her leg back and swung it at the crowd of Marines. "Gum-Gum Low Sweep!" The Marines tripped from Lily's leg sweeping across the ground, Most of them were now on the ground trying desperately to get up. Morgan seeing this only made him only made him more angry. "You Fools!" Zoey clenched all three of the swords, unsheathing two of them. Lily looked over amazed at the girl's strength, holding three swords was something Lily had never seen before. "You use all three of them!?" Zoey unsheathed her last sword which was Kuina's Katana. She lifted the long blade to her mouth as she placed the white hilt between her teeth. "Yeah I do." She stood in his three sword stance as she crossed her two swords and ran through the crowd of Marines, as they were getting up from Lily's attack. "Three sword style! Dragon Twister!" Zoey pulled her swords forward, causing a strong wind current that blew the rest of the Marines in every direction. "Holy Cow! That was awesome!" Lily shouted. "Thanks!" Zoey said, as she bowed to Lily in agreeance.

Morgan stomped his foot against the ground and threw his Marine cape from his back. "I guess if you need things done... YOU DO THEM YOURSELF!" He stared down Lily as she looked forward getting into her fighting pose. "You brats defying a me was the biggest mistake you've made!" The large man charged at Lily and swung his ax at her. She leaped back from the ax into the air dodging Morgan's attack. "Gum-Gum Pistol!" Lily shot her rubber arm at Morgan which he deflected with his ax "Shit!" Lily then landed back on the ground where Morgan was already charging at her with another swing. "Give up girl!" He swung his ax as Lily landed on the large object and bounced off of it. He swung once more causing an opening to his left side, Lily leaned back under the blade yelling to Zoey. "Zoey now!" Zoey held her swords out to the side and leaped forward towards Morgan. "Three Sword Style! Ongiri Slice!" Zoey sliced through the large man's side causing three large gashes to spray blood from them. "Dammit..." Morgan grabbed his wounded side which was bleeding badly from the massive blow. "I won't be defeated by kids..." He swung at Lily again, holding his side still. She jumped in the air and kicked downward on the handle knocking Morgan off balance. "I'm not a kid! I'm going to b Queen of the Pirates! Gum-Gum Pistol!" This time her hit landed, as it dislocated the metal jaw, Morgan stumbled back his chest exposed leaving another opening. "Zoey once more!" "Aye, aye Captain! Three Sword Style! Ongiri Slice!"

Zoey sliced through the middle of Morgan causing a spray of blood. She sheathed her swords as the large man stumbled backwards shouting his last words in pain. "How could I lose?! To Children..."The large Marine captain tumbled to the ground defeated. "Daddy?!" The Helmoppo screamed at his father agonizing defeat. "I command them dead!" The man shouted to the Marines as if he was a spoiled child. The Marines all looked at him in anger and hate knowing the trouble they have been through was no more. "Your father is defeated! We take no orders from you!" The Marines turned towards Lily and Zoey, leaving the man to lay on the ground in a puddle of tears. They cheered and praised the two girls for releasing them of Morgan's order. "Lily! You guys did it!" Coby cheered joining in with their small celebration. "Nah, You helped too Coby." Lily smiled giving the pink haired boy a thumbs up, making him blush and rub the back of his neck. "Well... I did untie Zoey." Lily laughed at Coby's expression as she give him a small hug. Meanwhile Zoey escaped the large crowd and walked over to Lily and Coby, a grin on her face. "Anyone up for some drinks?" Zoey asked, as Lily jumped up and smiled. "Heck yeah!!!" The straw hat girl yelled running towards the saloon, Zoey looked down and sighed smiling a little. "Looks like me and her have something in common" She looked over at Coby and smiled as they walked towards the saloon.

"Mmm! This chicken is amazing!" Lily said scarfing down the last of the grilled chicken and polishing of her mug of sake. Zoey laughed at her captain's large appetite. "Funny, this is what I got myself into." Coby sat back and sighed, spending time with Lily he knew Zoey was going to have her hands full. "Ah, she's not so bad." Coby said trying to make it seem Lily wasn't as troubled as she thought. The pink haired boy then looked out the window to see a group of Marines walking into the saloon. They walked in and was smiling as they waved towards the trio who sat in the back of the saloon celebrating. "Hello town heros! I hope you have enjoyed the rest of your stay. I'm sorry to announce, but since you are all pirates I can't have you stay too long. I will supply you all with some food and gear for your travels though." Lily jumped from her seat excited to get a new boat and more food. "Awesome!" Zoey smirked, but it was a bit strange. "Ain't everyday a Marine helps out pirates." The Marine smirked and put his hands behind his back. "Ain't everyday pirates save a town in despair." Lily and Zoey got up and headed towards the door, Coby at that moment stood up and walked towards the Marine. He was sweating violently which Lily noticed before she headed towards the door. "Excuse me Sir, I would like to enlist." The Marine looked at Coby confused, from what he saw today he was hanging out with them. "But weren't you with those pirates?" Lily stopped at the door, a smile on her face as she turned back around to Coby and the Marine. "Yeah I think he was with some of us." Coby's mouth dropped as anger filled, He clenched his fist tightly. "That's a lie!" "Nah, I think he actually w-" Before Lily could say another word Coby punched Her in the face. Making her silent as she fell on the ground. "Hey, hey! We get it! You're not a pirate. You're free to enlist if you'd like, but no more fighting." Coby eyes lit up at the Marines words, he looked over to see Lily laughing as she walked out the door. He tilted his head confused at what she was doing then, It hit him. "Wait... Lily? She did that to help me." Coby smiled as tears rolled down cheeks.

Lily and Zoey climbed into the small boat as they loaded the rest of their supplies. "Well that's it." Zoey said giving Lily the last barrel. "Awesome! We're set then!" Lily raised the small sail and prepared to venture back on her journey to find crewmates. "Lily!" A familiar voice shouted from the pier. Lily turned and saw the small pink haired boy waving to her. "Thanks for everything!" Lily smiled and waved back, knowing Coby was now working towards his dream. "No problem Coby! Can't wait to see how you'll do!" Coby had tears of joy in his eye's as he saluted them, that same moment Lily and Zoey looked behind Coby to see something uncommon. The whole entire town's Marine force was saluting them. "Look at that! Two uncommon events in one day. Marines saluting pirates." Lily laughed and waved back at them for the last time as there small boat drifted further away. "Yeah! Well Zoey! Let's go find more crewmates!" Zoey laughed, she was starting to like the goofy Captain. "Aye, aye Sir." They sailed off into the afternoon sun, as Lily continued on her way for more crew members. Where would the seas take them to next.

To Be Continued...

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