chapter 2

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Finally the day of my rehearsal for my drama show oh wait i have to leave for it now I'll fill you in later. OMG it was sooooo much fun first when i arrived in CPC i went in to the school hall.After a few minutes two of my friends from drama arrived to and we started talking then my drama teacher (Evelyn) told us to go into our classes to find out who would be the minder of our group, my classes minder's were Emmet and Peter. After everyone found out their minder Evelyn did a role call to make sure everyone was there. After that wmy class ,the Wednesday 5:30-6:30 and the teenagers had to do a dance because for the first time ever we were going to do a end of year finale with everyone and every class in it ,so we had to do it for the younger classes, we practice's it for about 30 minutes and then we got chairs so we could watch the rest of the classes (every other year we didn't get to see all the classes so i really liked this). After watching more then half of the show we had a break for about 10 minutes to eat something and talk to our friends when we finished eating and everything else Evelyn gave out sweatshirts (for the finale). When that was finished the show started again and all of the performances were great,finally my groups go (we were the very last ones to perform in the rehearsal so we had to wait for ages to perform) then the rehearsal was finished so i went outside to look for my mam. I finally saw my mam and then went over to her , first of all my mam and I wenthome to have lunch and then we went to pollards town fen for a walk because it was a really nice day we went there for about 30 minutes and then we went to the Curragh hills to read a book. After about another 30 minutes we had to go collect my brother from my granny's (he was over there to help my granny because she really hurt her back and has to get surgery). When we got home I was very tired so I just had dinner and watched some YouTube videos and lastly talked on Viber to my friends and now I'm going to go to sleep,because I had a really long day but it has been very fun so yeah goodnight.

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