Scorpius (Scorp) Hyperion Malfoy

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Alex Pettyfer playing Scorpius

Parents: Draco and Astoria Malfoy

House: Ravenclaw (I know Queue shocked gasps)

Siblings: Bellatrix Malfoy

Partner: Rose Weasley

-Scorpius loved to read to Rose when she was sad

-Scorpius' best friend was Albus Potter

-Scorpius loved his grandmother, Narcissa, very much. She was a very good grandmother and some people say she was as good as Molly 1st.

-Scorpius had girls falling for him everywhere he went but he only had eyes for Rose

-Scorpius was an animagus. Draco nearly had a heart attack and Hermione and Ron burst out laughing when they saw Scorpius as a Ferret

-Scorpius' patronus was a lion

-Scorpius' favorite book was the 'return of the king' because he loved the idea of good overcoming evil

-Scorpius was head boy

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