Rose (Rosie) Fay Wealey

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Ebba Zingmark paying Rose

Parents: Hermione and Ron Weasley

House: Ravenclaw

Siblings: Hugo Weasley

Partner: Scorpius Weasley

-Rose and Hugo were the siblings that had the most fun

-Both Rose and Hugo got their Dad's blue eyes (A/N: you can't really see from this picture but Ebba  Zingmark Does have Blue eyes)

-Rose liked to tell people she couldn't survive without her library. Hugo liked to tell people that was  true

-Rose and Albus were best friends along with Scorpius. They were known as the next golden trio 

-Rose and Teddy were Very good friends. Rose was like the sister Teddy never had.

-Rose was jealous that the Potters got to spend more time with Teddy then she did

-Rose had anxiety Attacks. That made Scorpius want to protect her.

-Rose was the Ravenclaw seeker

-Rose's second home was the library

-No one ever forgot Rose's one and only detention, getting caught in a broom closet with Scorpius

-Rose, Nikki and Lily liked to sneak out of Hogwarts together

-Rose liked to wear her Brother's and Cousin's shirts.

-Rose loved fantasy books

-Rose loved Roses

-Rose realized she loved Scorpius at Fifteen but didn't get together until sixteen

-Rose never cried in public, until she read the 'Book Thief' 

-Rose died the ends of her hair blonde in her seventh year

-Rose procrastinated a lot

-Rose was Head girl

-Everyone thought she was quiet but they didn't know she was the mastermind of James and Fred's  pranks

-Rose was deathly afraid of Dragonflies

-Rose stuttered when she got nervous

-Rose was competitive

-In forth year, Rose got so fed up of everyone expectations of her, because she was the daughter of  the brightest witch of her age, she failed every exam but Divination

-Rose was known and did know she was the weakest. But that didn't stop her from punching the  sucker who cheated on her best friend, Alice. James never forgot the day Rose Weasley broke his  nose

-Rose had a cat, Scorpius hated it and Ron thought the entire situation was very funny

-Rose loved Greek myths and for her 18th Birthday everyone put in a little bit of money and she went  to Greece on that money

-Rose was jealous of Lily's relationship with Hugo

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