Chapter 4

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It was Monday, the day before Zootopia High School starts its first day of the year. Nick had already dyed his head fur blonde. More specifically, he has a blonde streak going through the middle of his fur, effortlessly blending in with his natural fur. On the other hand, Judy had picked up her new carrot-print glasses from the Claw Mart near her apartment, as well as some teenage-looking clothes and items.

They both decided that it would be best to arrive to the school together the next day, and since Nick lived closer to the high school than Judy, she decided to bunk at his place. Judy arrived at around 8:00 at night, with a pink Wolftoria Secret bag carrying all her teenage clothes. 

Man, Nick really has been working on the apartment, Judy thought. She was right. The old, breaking walls had been replaced with painted spruce wood, with paintings of Nick's favorite movies on them. His living room, neatly organized with video games and DVDs, had a very big TV to top it off.

"Nick?" Judy started as she put her stuff down on one of his chairs. "I'm here. You have your high-school stuff, right?" A silence fell threw the apartment as nothing could be heard, until Judy's hearing focused on snoring coming from the master bedroom.

Judy opened the half closed bedroom door, and saw Nick sleeping in his bed. God, this room is awful, she thought to herself. Apparently, the fox had kept EVERY single room in his apartment spanking new, except for his room, which looked like a literal fox den. 

Looking up and down Nick's body, Judy realized how broad Nick's body actually was. A little mountain range of abs made up his stomach. Judy, being the curious little bunny she is, went right next to him in bed. She sat on the edge of the bed, which was miraculously clean despite the state of the rest of the room. As if by magic, Nick reached out to Judy with his arms, and positioned her into a little cuddle, as if he had known she was there. 

"Nick, Nick, what are you doing!?" Judy said, only to be silenced with a soft voice.

"Carrots, relax, stay the night," Nick had replied, in a sexy half-asleep voice.

The voice the fox had used sent shivers down Judy's spine, instantly making her feel warm. Judy had cuddled more up to Nick, and had quickly fallen asleep.

When the Tuesday morning came, Judy had been awoken by a little crackling sound, to find that Nick had gotten out of bed. A carrot and blueberry aroma filled her nose, as Judy walked out of the bedroom to see Nick (wearing shorts to her relief) cooking up a little something in his kitchen. 

"Nick, what is this?" Judy asked. 

Smirking a bit, Nick replied, "Well, I went to sleep early last night so I could wake up a bit early and make you something special."

Nick had been making carrot and blueberry pancakes for the two of them, with two little bunny shaped pieces for Judy and one fox shaped one for himself, made by Nick simply cutting the pancakes. 

"About last night, when I came into this place, I saw you on your bed, sleeping," Judy started. "I was "curious" and went on your bed. You pulled me to your chest, and I just went to sleep. I just wanted you to know, just in case you had any questions." Nick started internally hyperventilating, remembering what he had done the previous night. 

"Well, Carrots if you wanted to cuddle, you could've just asked," Nick flirtatiously said. "Give me a call and I'll be there for ya." Judy gave Nick a taste of his own medicine and gave him a little side smirk, one Nick has always given her. 

Oh, thank god, I saved myself, Nick thought.

He grabbed the plates and put the pancakes on them, delivering the respective plate to Judy. 

"So, Nick," Judy started, mouth full from delicious pancakes, "We get to Zootopia High School at around 7:15. As soon as our feet hit the ground, we are officially students. Understand?" 

Nick had already finished half of his pancake, saying, "Yep, 100 percent."

"Alright!" Judy exclaimed. "I'll be in the van waiting for ya!" Nick gave her a little salute, as she walked out the door. Something about that bunny made Nick constantly think. They were just friends, but Nick felt something else. Something that was beautiful.

"One day, Nick. One day," he said.

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