❀ chapter forty | we're going to hawai'i! ❀

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Seth nearly fell into the lake as he threw up his arms and shouted, "You're going to Hawai'i?!"

"Grace invited me," I explained. "I'd sure rather hear her apologies over a margarita on the beach, so I accepted."

"Margarita?" Eli snorted. "Your mom would let you drink underage?"

"If she's really sorry, yes."

Seth laughed and sat back down on the dock. We stared out at the lake, our legs dangling over the light, calming waves. If Eli's mom weren't inside his fancy house twenty feet away, Eli and Seth would be passing a joint back and forth—or daring one another to jump in the frigid water, seeing who could last the longest. Seth would win—he always did—and credit his cold-resistance to his "Russian blood".

"Isn't it cold in Hawai'i?" Eli asked. "It's December."

"Not that cold, actually," I said. "Still good to swim. Why do you think all the British and German tourists come swarming like flies around this time of year?"

Seth raised his chin. "Not the Russians. We're not weak like those Western Europe pu—"

Eli elbowed him in the ribs, promptly cutting him off. "Are you saying you wouldn't want to spend Christmas on the beach?"

Seth pushed him back. "Hell yeah I would!"

"Maybe I can convince my parents to buy you a ticket."

"For real?"

"No! They don't even like you."

"The hell did I do to deserve that?"

"A lot, Seth. A lot."

Seth leaned back on his elbows, his brows furrowing. "Am I the toxic friend?"

"Yes," Eli and I said at the same time.

"But you are getting better," Eli added.

Did Eli stick around for the potential of Seth? Did Eli think he could change him like he once thought he could change me?

Seth gave me a wink. "You should invite Eli for Christmas so he can finally thaw your frost."

Eli's lips twisted in a bitter smirk. "Too bad Jack already has. I know you like him, Romy."

Was it that obvious?

Seth looked as if Eli had just spit out the craziest conspiracy theory. "Bro, how would you know?"

"Maybe because Eli likes both me and Jack, so he pays extra attention," I said.

Seth made a hooting noise and clapped me on the back. Sometimes he really forgot I wasn't one of his frat dude friends.

"Moving on," Eli murmured. "For the holidays we usually go to Mexico City. Or California. My family would never let me spend Christmas away from them."

"So tell them all to come to Hawai'i," Seth suggested.

"Not the California family," I said. "I hooked up with his cousin when he came to tour the University of Washington campus. Eli never forgave me."

Eli scoffed, "Because you didn't even feel bad about it!"

Seth's eyes bulged. "Is this is why you two broke up?"

"We were never together," I corrected. "Axel's pretty hot. But I have to give it to you, Eli, you're far better in the bedroom department."

Eli shook his head, but his posture straightened, and I could tell he felt at least a little better after that "compliment".

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