Dua to get rid of bodily pain

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Bismillah hir rahman nir raheem

(1)ﺑِﺴْﻢِ اﻟﻠَّﻪِ(2)أَﻋُﻮﺫُ ﺑﺎﻟﻠَّﻪِ ﻭَﻗُﺪْﺭَﺗِﻪِ ﻣِﻦْ ﺷَﺮِّ ﻣَﺎ أَﺟِﺪُ ﻭَأُﺣَﺎﺫِﺭ

Aoozu billahi wa qudratihi min sharri maa 'ajidu wa 'uhaziru

I seek refuge in Allah and His power from the evil of what I find and what I guard against.


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