1.Bad Enough For You

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~~Skyy's Pov~~

Do you know that peaceful moment when your so comfortable in your bed and you just don't want to get up? Yeah, I had a moment just like that before that little evil demon thing called a alarm clock woke me up.

I groaned and pulled my pillow over my head. "Mehh! make it stop!"

Reaching my hand out from under the blanket I tried desperately to turn it off, but my attempts failed miserably. After a few minutes of non stop ringing I got out of bed and finally turned it off. Ah such sweet silence.

I stretched and walked into the bathroom. Stopping in my tracks I looked into the mirror. "Oh gosh!" I yelled almost having a mini heart attack. I had a bad case of bedhead and my morning face was just terrible. I shivered at my appearance before turning on the shower and hoping in. The hot water and steam felt like a massage against my skin and I just relaxed.

After a few minutes I got out and dried my chestnut brown hair before looking into the mirror."That's better."

I wrapped the towel around my body and walked back into my room to get dressed for school. I threw on my neon green skinny jeans, my slim long sleeve black shirt, my long gray sweater, a pair of black converses and at last my black beanie.

Running down stairs I grabbed an apple and my one strap messenger bag before walking out the door.


The fall breeze blew softly causing the leaves on the ground to scatter and the sky was covered with white puffy clouds. I soon reached the crowded front of the school, and quickly spotted my best friend Jessie. She was about the same size as me, which is 5"6 by the way and her hair was styled in a pixie cut and bleached white.

I called out her name to get her attention and smiled when she came running towards me.

"SKYY!! I've missed you"

I laughed at her outburst and hooked my arm between hers, and started walking into the school.

We both went to our lockers to retrieve our books and chat when I just happen to catch a glimpse of someone out of the corner of my eye.

He was wearing a gray v neck, a spiked leather jacket, some black skinnies and gray converses. He leaned against the locker fiddling with a lollipop stick that hung out the side of his mouth and I really couldn't see his eyes because of the long black hair that fell over them.

My eyebrow raised up and Jessie soon followed my gaze and nudged my shoulder."Dude don't even waste your time, he's just a.."

Before she could finish I was walking in his direction and stopped In front of him.

"Hey Im.." He placed a finger on my lips, stopping me in mid conversation.

"Save your breath luv,.. I really don't care who you are, and I'm not interested in finding out." He walked away just like that, leaving his calm words still floating around in my head.

Jessie rushed to my side as I stood there shocked. "I'm sorry skyy, I tried to tell you he's nothing but a player."

I suddenly smiled. "Challenge accepted."

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