It's just shit

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Why do I always fall for the wrong people
Why am I always the one ending up lonely
Why is everyone playing with my feelings when
I'm the only
I'm the only one
Who helped you when you where down
Your leaving me
Now that I'm drown
Your standing there
With the power and the crown
I'm screaming after you
But the only return is the sweet silence
Stop the act
Give me the fact
This what you are
This was their impact
Now I'm the attacked
Now I'm here
F**ked up
And cracked
The story wasn't based on a true story
It was based on lies
Day after day
My smile
You can't
You can't even look into my eyes
What we had what we shared
And I couldn't pretend
Make this shit end
I'm tired of defend
Fuck life fuck the friend
Who will End your life
And spend
Your secrets like shit
In my life you didn't even attend
So now I don't even depend
So now I commend
All of you
Who fucked my life and my love expend

Sanningen & deep shitDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora