Part 7

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::Aiyanna P.o.v::

I smiled shyly at a pissed off Ices , than ran to the black house phone and answered slowly.

"Hello...?" i Mumbled

"Hey Baby , You wanna come over for round 2??"

I sighed deeply while coking my head to the side playfully. "Roooc..."

I twirled the white cord around my finger while biting my lip , Ices marched right in front of me and folded her arms across her body and frowned.

"Who the hell is that!!!" Yelled Ices.

I rolled my eyes then turned my back to her making her sigh loudly and push me into the counter. I turned around and threw a pissed look at her then turned my attention back to the phone.

"I'll Call you back Roc." I whispered .

With out hearing his agreement i hung the phone up on the wall and slid passed Ices not giving her any attention , i walked to the couch and plopped down making some of the pillows fall off.

"Who was on the phone , Huh !? .... Huh !? That was Roc ! I knew it , YOUR still fucking Roc!!"

For some strange reason that last part seemed to get to me. I spring'd up from off the couch and up into Ices face.

"Are you kidding me !? Why would i be fucking him when i'm with you Ices!!!"

She threw her hands in the air and stomped to the black and brown stools in the kitchen. I was puzzled , She acting like a Bitch. Acting like she deserves something from me , I have urges and there craving Dick. Shit , Fingers are getting REAL old ... I walked over to the other side of the kitchen table and stood across from her.

"Baby ... Please , Please talk to me." I pleaded.

"I'm SO tired of your BULLSHIT Ayianna ....." Her eyes begin to water. "You made a commitment with me , Not him .... Matter fact I want the truth and only the truth from now on. Starting with what happened when you and Roc came down stairs , He had a stupid Smirk on his face while you were fixing your hair .. So tell me WHAT happened." She snapped

I sighed guiltily. "Nothing .. Nothing at all .." I said while rubbing the back of my neck.

Ices looked down then i saw a tear drop from her face.. "Lies... Lies...Lies , That's all you were ever good at."

She aggressively wiped her tear from her face then snatched her purse , She then hopped off the stool onto the ground making her heels create a clicking sound. She was heading for the door , I ran around the counter then in front of the door. Blocking her from exiting my house.

"Move out my way!" She spitted out while wiping her tears.

"No ! Just let me Explain!!"

She whined then put her hands on her hips , She tapped her shoe in inpatient meant.

"You got like...5 seconds."

"Ices Amanda Haze.. I-I love you .. Your my everything. I know that i have slipped up in the past but i do want you out my life and if you ever left me i don't know what i would do. Please don't leave me Baby , I-I need you .."

She rolled her eyes then pocked her bottom lip out , I'd love when she did that..She looked so innocent and adorable.

"Is that all you had to say!?" She snarled.

I questioned "So do you forgive me..?"

She slipped passed me and flung the door open and was stomping angrily to her car , I panicked.. My mind was practically slapping me. Just yelling at myself.

Go get her .. Go get your Ices.!!

I quickly reacted and ran out the door right behind Ices grabbing her arm and pulling her back into the house. With out answering any of her disrespectful question , I pulled her body closer to mine and smashed my lips into hers hearing her moan as i passionately kissed her soft blueberry Chapstick lips. Instantly she pulled away from the kiss and made space between me and her .. She took in long deep strokes of air and continued to look at my hands then back at my lips , She kicked off her heels and dropped her purse to the ground.

"I-Ices I-I'm.. SO sorry , I d--."

Not finishing my sentence , Ices Ran and jumped on me. She pulled my hair making my head pull in that direction ,
She wrapped her legs around my waist and her hands around my neck. She moaned through the tongue filled kiss as did I. As we continued the kiss , i slowly took baby steps to the couch. After making it , I threw her on the couch then gently placed myself on top of her continuing this kiss.

"Ices...I'm.......So......So......Sorry." I spoke through each kiss. She shushed my lips then smiled.

"No , No . You know what i want you to do?." I shook my head No. Then Ices pulled the collar of my shirt closer to her. "I want you to do me SO HARD!!"

I smirked then reached my hands behind her back un-snapping her bra. She pulled my shirt off , Then reached down to my pants. I unbuckled my belt then threw my jeans across the room revealing my lightly laced pink thong. Ices tried to get my panties of when the door bursted open.

"Aiyanna ! I got som--"

Oh Noo , ROC ! His beautiful smile turned to a frown. Seeing me and Ices half naked.

"Roc.. W-What are you doing her?" I shivered.

He released his grip on the flowers and they fell upon my door step , He placed his hands in his pocket then let his head lay low. He walked off my porch in shame. I pushed Ices off of me then ran upstairs crying , I fucked up .. I can't lose Roc. But damn , i can't lose Ices to.... SO WHAT DO I DO !?

Who you wanna see together ?

#Aiyanna and Roc ?

# Ices and Aiyanna ?

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BTW!!! This Chapter was written by my new Co-writer!! 👏👏👏👏 SHE DID SO GOOOD AND ITS LONGGG YALL GIVE IT UP FOR INDIAAA @inddiaaa 😘

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