Chapter Five

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As Lauren drove back to the hotel, Zendaya and Lisa went through their bags they had.
"Man, their loaded man. I even got this ruby ring right here," Lisa said admiring it.
"We never got our food man, I'm still hungry," said Normani in the front seat.
"Did you even grab anything Mani?" asked Zendaya.
"Yeah. I got these watches from her parents room."
Zendaya leaned up and took the watches from Normani.
She examined them and gave them back to her.
"Nice pick Kordei. Wanna do it again?"
"Are you serious?" asked Lauren, her eyes still focused on the road.
"I'm not doing that again, Coleman."
The car got quiet as Lauren sped down the mostly empty street on the cool spring night. It was passed twelve by time they got back to the hotel. They took the jewelry they stole and went up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Once they got in the room, Lauren went to take a shower and the other three sat on one of the queen sized beds and examined the loot closely.

"This shit is gonna make us a lot of money. Aye Lisa, Christina still got that pawnshop?" asked Zendaya.
"Yup. Told her we were gonna hit somebody up and she said when we do come talk to her."
"Wait, who's Christina?" asked Normani.
"My older sister," replied Lisa running her hands through her hair.
"We're gonna talk to her tomorrow alright?" said Zendaya looking back and forth at Lisa and Normani.

Normani nodded and got off of the bed and jumped onto the other queen bed. Lauren came back into the room with a towel wrapped around her head.

"That was a quick shower-" Lisa stopped.
"Lauren. Its Lauren."
"I know your first name. What's your last name?"
"Jauregui. Why?"
"Zendaya and I usually call people their last names is all, Jauregui," said Lisa before leaning back on the bed. After Zendaya put the stolen goods back into their bags, she laid down next to an already sleep Lisa. She looked over at the other bed and the other two girls were fast asleep as well.
"Well, I can't wait to tell Dj about our haul. She's gonna be so jealous," Zendaya said to herself as she dozed off.
The next morning, all of them woke up and got dressed. They went to the lobby and ate their breakfast in silence before heading to Christina's pawnshop. Lisa drove them to the pawnshop and when she pulled up, her sister Katherine was outside waving to them.

"Omg she is so cheesy and corny. Look you guys, just try to be nice to her okay?" said Lisa parking the car.

Katherine walked up to the car grinning her award winning smile. Lisa jumped out and hugged her.

"Lil sis got her crew with her? Alright I feel you!" said Katherine loudly.
"Is she serious right now?" asked Lauren in Lisa's ear.
"Yup she is. And be nice. Hey Kat, this is Lauren. And you've never met Normani but here she is. She goes to my school so yeah. And she's Z's step sis," said Lisa stepping aside so Katherine could shake their hands.

"Nice to meet you Katherine," said Normani with a grin.
"You too. As well. You're gorgeous," said Katherine turning red in the face.
"Thanks, you are too," Normani replied. Lisa scoffed.
"Don't lie to her like that Normani, can we go now?"
"Hey you said be nice so you be nice too!" yelled Lauren hitting Lisa on the arm.
"Hey I hate to break up- whatever this is but we got business to tend to, remember?" said Zendaya with her arms crossed.
"Oh yeah right. I have to finish painting this sign. It was nice meeting you, Normani," said Katherine grinning at Normani.
"Yeah, you too," she replied.
"What about me?" asked Lauren.
"Oh it was nice meeting you too Lacey."
"My name is Lauren!"
"That's what I said, Leila. Well i gotta get back to work," said Katherine walking back to the building behind her to paint.

The other four girls walked into the store and they were greeted by a short woman with brown hair.
"Hello again Lisa and Zendaya. Long time no see," said the woman .
"Sup Allycat, this is Lauren and Normani, their with us," said Zendaya. They passed through the pawnshop and went to the back room were Christina's office was. Lisa swung the door open.

"Knock knock big boss!" she yelled at her sister who was doing paper work.
"Little sis, Zendaya, you're still fine as hell and who do we have here?" asked Christina raising an eyebrow at Normani and Lauren.

"I'm Normani. I'm Zendaya's step sister."
"Hi I'm Lauren, I'm Normani's friend. I'm just visiting for spring break."
Christina nodded and kept looking back and forth at Normani and Lauren making them fidget uncomfortably.

"So, we got the shit right here sexy, take a look and tell me what's up?" said Zendaya handing Christina the bags.
Christina spent about a good ten minutes examining the jelwery before she looked back up at Lisa and Zendaya.
"I'll give you five."
"Each?" asked Lisa.
"Naw. Split it."
"What the hell Christina? I thought you liked me?" said Zendaya.
Christina chuckled and slapped her desk.
"I do but, this is business ya know? Now I'll make the deal a little sweeter. 55?" she said smiling.
"They'll take it. Come on you guys I'm ready to go," said Normani.
"Yeah- yeah we'll take that blue eyes. But next time, I want a better offer," said Zendaya. Christina unlocked a safe that was behind her desk and counted the money before handing it to them.
"See you kids later. Don't blow it all on alcohol," said Christina grinning.
"Alright, later sis."
And with that, they all left the office. Ally waved at them as they left and held the door open for them.
They walked back to the car and jumped in.
"Bye Normani!" yelled Katherine before Lisa started the car up.
"Bye Kat!" she yelled back.
"Omg she has a fucking crush on you," said Lisa pulling off.
"I think it's cute," said Normani.
"I think it's nauseating," said Lauren spat.
"Ha, you mad cause she wouldn't get your name right Lacey?" teased Zendaya. Lauren muffed Zendaya from the backseat but it only made Zendaya laugh more.

"Oh and tell Christina she can get this hammer Lisa," said Zendaya still laughing.
"You are NOT fucking my sister Z!" yelled Lisa her eyes still on the road.
"Hey but seriously, I got an idea Lisa."
"What Z?"
"Party. Tonight."
Lisa smiled and gripped the steering wheel tighter.
"Y'all wanna have a party, while our parents aren't home?" asked Normani.
"Hell yeah I do! And oh, here's five for you and five for green eyes back there," said Zendaya handing Normani the money.
"I can't believe I'm about to say this but hey fuck it, lets throw a party," said Normani. Zendaya fist bumped her and turned the radio up louder as Lisa zipped down the street to the nearest gas station.
(fart noise) Hey I kinda like this chapter and I hope you do too! P.s. Dinah bout to pop on the scene soon so yeah, G.O.P out 😂✌✌

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