Chapter Three

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I'd played my cards perfectly. I had my powers, I had a plan, and Hawkmoth had no idea that I'd been playing him. I hoped to keep it that way for as long as possible. When I spoke to Hawkmoth, I told him that I needed two nights to take down Ladybug and Chat Noir. He seemed impatient, but eventually agreed.

And now, it was time to get started.

The full moon shone high above as I stood on a rooftop, spinning my flute in my hands and surveying the city. It was time to draw out a hero. Who knew whether Chat Noir was prowling the streets, or whether Ladybug was out scouting for trouble to put to rest. But with an effective illusion, I was confident that I could call them both into action.

My strategy this time was different. Last time, I revealed myself too soon, and they had figured out what they were up against. This time, I planned to stay in the shadows, pulling the strings without being seen. They'd never stand a chance, especially since they wouldn't have be expecting to come up against me again.

And with that encouraging thought, I raised my flute, played a quick tune, and brandished the end toward the Eiffel Tower. It ought to be a visible enough target.

As my illusion hit the tower, the golden lights lining the sides of the structure flickered out. And then a new light started to glow, pulsing around the top of the tower, in a deep-red hue like that of a dying star. It was high and bright enough to bathe the entire city in a crimson aura.

That was all the illusion did. But it certainly looked striking enough to draw a hero or two to come investigate. So I stood and waited on the rooftop, twirling my flute from hand to hand.

I'd never actually played flute before. It was never an instrument I cared for; I had always thought it to be too shrill, lacking the depth of the bassoon or the smoothness of the clarinet. But I was certainly starting to care for this instrument in particular. I'd always viewed music as a way of expressing ideas, but until now I had thought it impossible to express those ideas in perfect clarity, without resorting to symbol and metaphor. Yet while I was becoming quite skilled at creating illusions, there was no doubt that the music itself could use some improvements.

I sensed some motion in the corner of my eye. Looking closer, I spotted Chat Noir, leaping from building to building heading towards the bait I had set on the Eiffel Tower. Perfect. I took a very close look to make sure Ladybug wasn't nearby him, and then I put my flute to my lips and carefully played a melody I'd been practicing all evening.

And with a wave of my flute, I created a perfect duplicate of Ladybug herself. With a few quick swings, she was right by Chat Noir's side.

"What's new, pussycat?" my Ladybug asked jovially.

Chat Noir grinned. "Call it my feline instincts, I've never been able to resist chasing the red dot."

I chuckled at his pun, trying to think of an appropriate response.

"What do you make of it?" Ladybug asked, for lack of a better reply.

"I'd have to take a closer look, I think," Chat Noir contemplated. "I'm thinking possibly an akuma, but it seems uncharacteristic of Hawkmoth to release one so late at night."

"True. And what sort of villain would create an odd red light without giving any other signs of their presence?"

Chat Noir frowned. "Somebody who wants to be noticed. Possibly to draw us out. We're going to have to be careful."

This guy was good. I'd expected him to take at least thirty more seconds to pick up on that. I looked around again to make sure there were no signs of the actual Ladybug. We seemed in the clear, but I still wanted to make this quick.

"What if it's Hawkmoth himself?" Ladybug asked.

"Now there's a thought! I've always wondered where we could find his cocoon. And didn't the first akuma go to the top of the tower when it made copies of itself?"

Chat Noir turned to look at Ladybug only to see my finishing touch—a purple ring around her face in the shape of a butterfly, quickly fading.

The adventurous grin slid off Chat Noir's face. "Oh, no..." he whispered. "This is a trap, isn't it?"

Ladybug gave a curt nod. "You're quick to notice, kitty cat. I must say I'm impressed."

Chat Noir took a step backwards, lifting his staff defensively. "I don't know how he got to you, my lady. But please don't do this."

Ladybug laughed. "Do you seriously think you can convince me otherwise? I'll make this quick—hand over your Miraculous. If it makes you feel better, I don't want to do this any more than you do."

Chat Noir pointed his staff directly at Ladybug. "I can't do that, Ladybug. Because somebody's gotta capture your akuma. And if you're not going to be up to the task, that's my job."

"You know I can beat you in a fight, Chat Noir."

Chat Noir shook his head. "A fight isn't what I'm looking for."

"Good," Ladybug retorted. "That makes this even easier." Spinning around and throwing her yoyo, Ladybug swung off the building down the narrow, lamp-lit streets. I was pleased to see Chat Noir following in pursuit. I couldn't have an actual fight—I was very aware that my Ladybug would disappear at the slightest touch.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw motion from another direction. That must be the real Ladybug—this was working even better than I expected. Time to move into phase two. After playing a quick ditty, I had a perfect duplicate of Chat Noir, who I sent over to meet Ladybug.

I'd have to be even quicker with this one, since I didn't know how long I could keep the real Chat Noir on the run. So my Chat Noir started off on the attack—landing staff-down directly next to Ladybug, with a very visible purple butterfly ring around his face.

Ladybug looked very surprised, but I saw her expression quickly turn from surprise to horror. It was very satisfying.

"What's new, bugaboo?" my Chat Noir sneered.

"Oh no, Chat Noir," Ladybug breathed. "Please tell me this isn't happening."

"Ah, I wish I could tell you that," Chat Noir chuckled, "but then I'd be lying, and we all know what you think of liars."

"What do you want?" she asked.

Chat Noir laughed. "What do you think? I want what we all want—your Miraculous."

Ladybug shook her head, and drew her yoyo. "Absolutely not. No chance whatsoever."

"Look, let's just get it over with. I don't wnat to do this either. But neither of us really has any choice at this point."

I noticed Ladybug looking up and down Chat Noir's body, evidently looking for where the akuma might be hiding. Fortunately, my reflexes were quick, and I had Chat Noir jump away right when she lunged at him. Chat Noir quickly fled down the street, and I was pleased to see Ladybug following him.

Now I could lead both of the heroes wherever I wanted, and I knew a perfect spot. I sent the illusion heroes to a small courtyard in front of a chapel, just two blocks away. As I had planned, the two actual heroes were in hot pursuit. And as the illusions vanished, Ladybug and Chat Noir came face to face.

"There isn't any way out of this, is there?" Ladybug asked pleadingly.

Chat Noir solemnly shook his head.

Ladybug and Chat Noir stood facing each other, one spinning her yoyo, the other twirling his baton. Then they rushed together, and the fight began.

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