Party set up

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Alice's Pov

I pulled the covers off me and sat up in Pel's bed. I looked around the room, he had a massive picture of all the boys from digitized on his wall.

 I looked around the room, he had a massive picture of all the boys from digitized on his wall

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I rolled back into bed and pulled the covers up over me, I can get up in a bit. 

I finally made myself get up and look at the time 9.01 am. I had loads of time, or so I thought. Turns out it is really hard to make yourself breakfast when your boyfriend is a vegan. I've been trying to become vegan as well but is is hard when he  isn't there to show you what you can and can't eat so I just had cornflakes and almond milk. I'm trying Pel. 

Fastforward half an hour and I was putting on my all black addidas superstars and just putting on my brown lether jacket with my blue skinny jeans and a FACE white tee. I checked myself over in the mirror to insure my makeup and hair was ok, as when I woke up it looked like I'd been dragged through a hedge backwards! 

As I closed the door and locked it, I thought to myself. I'm ready for you Tom. 

At the studio

I heard the minibus pull up and all of the boys walked out one by one. They were wearing a dark blue T-shirt. At the back was Katie wearing a dark purple checked shirt. When she saw me her whole face lit up and she came running over to me hugging me. She has issues :P.

"Alice" She cried. "How are you?, I can't wait for tonight thank you so much for organising it"
"No problem" I replied smiling though the pain. "I'm glad your happy."

"Katie, go inside. I need to speak to Alice for a bit"
I froze, a shiver ran up my back. It was him. Tom. Luckily Katie let me go before running into the studio after the rest of the boys. He walked closer to me. He was wearing all black besides a dark blue snapback and trainers. His aura was massive, he was very full of himself. 

"So Alice" He begain. "I tried to ring you last night to discuss the arrangements for tonight but I couldn't get hold of you, was there any reason why?" He smirked.

Oh no, what if he told Ash. I would be in so much trouble. From Ashley giving them the studio in return Diversity get free press in OK magazine as Katie's parents are the editors for the magazine. The boys have been doing this for the past 3 years now, it has been really good for them. I can't let them down.

"I appeared to have lost my phone last night" I said looking at my shoes. "I'm very sorry if I worried you Tom." I faked a smile to him.

"No problem, Al" He replied, resting his hand on my shoulder and looking into my eyes. "I hope you find your phone soon"

"Me too" I replied.
With that he waved and walked into the studio. They were only going to rehearse for 3 hours then we would all begin getting ready for the party. 

Last night- Tom's pov

I was sat in my hotel room watching the chase. I could beat the chaser, I'm smart enough. I then heard something vibrate in my jacket which was hung over the end of the double bed facing the TV. I ignored it, if it was any of my team they would talk to me via the walkie talkies that we all had as we were staying in the same hotel block so it would work. The vibrating didn't stop until a few minutes later. I focused on the programme. 

About five minutes later the phone vibrated again. I signed angrily to myself and got up and picked up my jacket, I fumbled in the pocket for my phone wondering who could be trying to get hold of me at this time. I smiled to myself once I held the phone in my hand for it wasn't my phone but was Alice's. I had picked it up when she left it on the side. Silly girl. I saw she had some texts from lover boy including a missed call from him.

1 missed call from Perri Kiely.
1 new voicemail
1 imessage from Perri Kiely


@realperrikiely- I'm really glad to be be touring China but I wish we could be together. #tourblues

I smiled to myself. I had her in the palm of my hand. I had to keep an eye on her phone to see if there would be anymore messages from him to ensure he wouldn't worry to much about her. I don't want him to send the boys back from China to see her to check that she is alright.

In the morning- still Tom's pov

I woke up and smiled to myself. I checked my phone nothing. I then checked Alice's phone. She had a lot of new notifications.

2 missed calls from Ashley Banjo.
1 missed call from Dani Banjo
1 missed call from Perri Kiely

5 new imessages from Perri Kiely.
55 new whatsapp messages
      - 30 from Diversity
       - 10 from Perri Kiely
       - 15 from Ashley Banjo

I swallowed. I knew I had to reply to someone otherwise they would go mad. I had no other choice, I had to break into her phone. 
I swiped across the home screen. Oh no! She had a passcode, I guess she wasn't as dumb as I thought. I tried everything I could think of, it wasn't until I was googling Perri Kiely that it came up with his birthday and I entered that. It had worked, I was in.

I quickly typed a reply to Perri's message.

Perri- Alice, can you please reply to let me know you are ok. I hope the new crew isn't causing too much trouble xx

I looked though her recent messages to Perri till I found one that I could copy and resend to him so he thought it was still her.

Alice- I'm fine Pel, honest. You worry too much. Speak later? x 
I quickly sent it to him before turning off her phone. I didn't want any more chaos to come from it unless I needed to do it to get what I want. With that I quickly got ready to go meet the rest of the team, I didn't want to keep Alice waiting.

Alice's Pov- present time.

The crew had all finished training for the day and we were busy setting up Danceworks for the party later. Katie had gone back to the hotel to get changed and most of the other boys had gone to get food and drinks for the party as we had set up the sound system. I would really be looking forward to the party if I didn't feel guilty about doing it behind all of their backs. 

It was just me and Tom left putting the finishing touches together. He kept on looking at me when he thought I wasn't looking. He finally coughed and asked where would be a good place for all of the spare drinks and cups to be kept so people didn't use too much at the party. I told him the store cupboard would be good and showed it to him. I told him it had a lock and he seemed very happy. When the rest of the boys arrived back with all the food and drinks he showed them into the store cupboard and began unpacking everything into its right place in the cupboard. Before I knew it was 5pm and I had to go back to Perri's to get changed before meeting everyone here at 6:30.

Authors note

I hope you like this long update! I was thinking of maybe ending this book soon, what do you all think? Did everyone see the boys on BGT? If not it is up on YouTube. I still can't believe its been 7 years of Diversity, to think they still impress us all day after day. I'm so proud of them all :) 

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