Arkham J. Kota

11.7K 253 38

Age: 26 (photo above is his 18 year old self)
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 165 lbs
- Birthday October 28th

Looks: short black hair,blue eyes, snake bites (when he's not deployed)
Family: Mother(dead),Father (dead),Sister(Alive), Niece(Alive)

Past:  Arkham was born into a small town in the middle of nowhere. His father worked as an engineer and his mother as a waitress in a small diner. Arkham lived a peaceful life till the age of four... His father would drink till he'd pass out. When he was drunk he grew angry. So angry that he'd beat Arkham and his mother. At the age of five his mother gave birth to a baby girl and named her Mari. She became Arkham's pride and joy. After Mari's birth their father would drink heavier and heavier. The beatings grew longer and harsher. Till one day his father snapped and killed his mother. After that Arkham and Mari were passed from foster home to foster home. Each being worse then the last. Soon after Mari found a safe home, Arkham joined the Marines.

 Soon after Mari found a safe home, Arkham joined the Marines

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