Chapter One

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6-17-18 13:00

Arkham's POV

The chains rattled in the cold dusty cell. My men and I hung by our hand for days. The beatings cruel, yet still we did not speak. I knew my men were strong. Trusted them with my life. The old door creaked open revealing an old man clocked in gray with two large guards following behind him. Each holding what looked to be like an assault rifle. I scoffed silently and looked around, taking in my surrounding. Searching for a way out, even if I knew there wasn't one. This was all my fault, if only I had thought out a better plan, then we wouldn't be in this hell.

We were to invade a terrorist hideout. Stop some sort of deal that was going down. Take the terrorists prisoner, the goal was to kill as little a possible and to save hostages still alive. We had to be fast, the plan needed to carefully thought out. But we had a deadline. I spent hours think over the plan, the plan I thought would allow us to finish our mission with as little injuries as possible. Boy was I wrong, the plan failed the minute we  stormed the hideout. We had been set up...

I lead my men threw the twists and turns of the crumbling building. After the last right turn we came across an exit. Carefully we searched the area, everything was clear. My men ran into formation and we all started heading back to our base. Before we could take another step the distinct sounds of a gun shot was heard. Now in front of us a small hole in the ground. That shot had been a warning. Gritting my teeth in frustration, I spoke just above a whisper. "When I give the signal...split into two groups. One will head left and the other right. We'll meet up once we are 300 feet from the sniper. Understood?" My voice hoarse and raspy from the lack of water and use. They all nodded their heads showing they understand. I took one step forward and we all split. Three of my men took of towards the left while my self and two others to the right. We weaved our way through buildings and alleyways, dodging bullets that seemed to rain down from the heavens. Rushing forward in our three man formation we gradually approached the meeting point. Finally reforming we continued running. Looking around to see if any threat could be located. All seem clear... None of us heard the gunshot until it was too late...

Now here we are. Trapped in a terrorist prison... My men were growing weak. I don't know how much more we can take.. The old man then proceeded to speak in a language we didn't understand. From his facial expressions I could tell he was talking shit. He looked over at me and licked him lips. He smiled a sickly sweet smile, I glared daggers at him and spit in his face. This angered the ugly old man. My smirk fell as the men behind him walked over to me. One held a gun close to my stomach and shot. I scream out in pain, blood came rushing out of my mouth. My men growled at the terrorists and weakly tried to lung at them. I shot them a pained look and told them to stay out of it. They looks reluctant but stay still. "What do you want?" I asked softly trying to keep my voice strong. The older man smiled and gripped my chin. Before he could continue screams and gunshots called him away. They rushed out of there so fast that the didn't even bother to close the door...their mistake...
"Ok men...I say we've had enough of this! These crumbling walls will no longer hold us!" And with a few hard pulls we dropped to the ground. Now to get out of here...

Omg I did it! Thank you guys for staying with me and keeping me on track!

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