Chapter 2

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When Leo found out I was a mermaid, he was shocked. We had a talk about it and he promised that he wouldn't tell. "You problably think I'm a freak" I said. "No way, your not a freak. I was just shocked" He replied. I smiled sadly, so he hugged me and said "It's gonna be okay, I'll always be here for you" We watched movies all night at his house and I fall asleep and took a peek and saw that he tucked me in and went to his room. The next morning, I woke up and went to get some milk from the fridge, I hope he doesn't mind. Then I heard a "thung" coming from upstairs. It was Leo. He was yelling and everything. I knew that he was angry. So I left a note on his fridge saying "To Leo, I knew you couldn't accept it. So I'll give you some space, love you lots. Esme x" I walked out the door and closed it quietly so he doesn't know. 

*Leo's POV* 

I just got a call from the hospital and they told me that my mums in the hospital and they want me to come immediatly, dad wasn't home so I called him. He said he would be there in 20 minutes. So as I walked down the stairs I couldn't see Esme. I saw a note on the fridge saying that she knew I couldn't accept it so shes giving me some space. What is she talking about? She problably heard me yelling and throwing stuff on the ground and thought that it was to her. I better go and explain everything. I grabbed my jacket and went over to her house. I knocked on the door and no one answered so I texted her saying "I need to talk to you" There was no answer. I left and went to the hospital. They told me that my mum's gonna be okay, so I called Esme. She still hasn't picked up. I left her a message saying I'll be at the hospital because of mum. So I'll be waiting. 

*Esme's POV*

This is so much fun, the water's beautiful. I love it down here. Dophins to swim with, fishes, and it makes me happy. Then I saw a diver and a mermaid. So I went and hide, so they couldn't see me. I thought that I was the only one. Doesn't look like it. Seems like he accepts her, why can't Leo do the same. Their swimming into Mako Island. I slowly followed them and see what they were doing. I know I shouldn't be watching them. But she's a mermaid. "That was fun" said the guy. "I know right, thanks" replied the girl. "What for?" he asked. "For being here for me" she said with a smile. So he kissed her. After the kiss, the girl turned around and saw me so I hide and try to swim away. 

*The girl's POV*

"Who was that?" she asked. "I'm not too sure, problably a fish swimming by" he said. "Do you want to go over to my house?" he said. So I said sure and we went off. We were walking along the path and I saw this person again watching us. "Josh, there it is again" I said. Then Josh walked up to her and asked why she was following us. She didn't say anything and walked off. " Don't worry, she's gone" Said Josh. Josh asked me if I wanted to go to the "Juicy Cafe" so I said yes and we walked off. When we got there, that girl was there too. I went up to her and said, "Have you been following me?" she replied saying. "of course not" I replied, "sure looks like it" Then a guy slipped and pour water all over her, and she ran off into the bathroom. She was there for ages, so I went and knock on the door to see if she was alright. She told me to go away, but then I opened the door and saw that she wasn't there so I closed the door and said "you can't disppear that easily. I know what you are" when I finished my sentences, she appeared and I saw this long tail appond her. She's a mermaid, I said in my head. So I helped her to dry off with my powers, I'm pretty sure she's not that good with hers. We walked out the door, she said thanks and walked off before I can even talk to her.

*Esme's POV* 

On my way out of the "Juicy Cafe" I checked my phone and saw that Leo has texted me. I checked it and saw the messages he sent me saying his mum is in the hospital but she will be okay. I replied saying "I'm on my way" 5 minutes later I was at the front of the hospital and got another text saying that his mum has died. I was shocked and I blamed myself for leaving him like that. I was about to walk into the door and saw him standing there, he looked upset and sad. So I walked up to him and gave him a hug and said that I was sorry. He hugged back and said it was okay. The next day was his mum's funeral. There was friends & family there. Then I saw that girl and her boyfriend. What are they doing here? But the funeral, I felt horrible. I held his hand and felt his tears dripping on mine. He couldn't take it so he took off. I followed him. 

*Leo's POV* 

I heard footsteps following behind me, it was Esme. She had tears in her eyes so I wiped them and said its okay and hugged her. She said she was so sorry about leaving my house like that so I held her hand and kissed it. She giggled so I gave her a kissed. She smiled. 

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