Day two

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✖Matthew Grey✖

I woke up this morning and right away texted Paige. She still hasn't answered, I'm starting to get worried.

"You need a ride to school? " my mom asked me walking into the kitchen.

"No I'm okay. Thanks though" I said grabbing my bag.

"Okay, I love you. Have a good day. I'll see you when I get home" she said walking out the door. By now it's 7:30 and I should probably be heading to school. I grabbed my car keys and walked out the door. Why hasn't she text me back. Did I do something wrong? I thought to myself driving down the road. I picked my phone up,

*one missed call*

Maybe it's Paige.

I unlocked my phone it read "One missed call from Bella" No texts? I put my phone down not acknowledging that I have a missed call from my girlfriend.

The ride to school isn't that long, maybe 10-15 min.

As I arrive I would normally go to my locker but today I walked to see if Paige was here. I walked past the cafeteria hoping Bella wouldn't see me, to late.

"Babe!!" I head from out of the lunch room. I waited as Bella ran down the hallway.

"Hey" I said with a sigh.

"What's wrong? Why haven't you returned my call? Is everything okay? " she said to me with a worried face.

"Yeah babe everything is fine. I'm gonna head to class. Love you" I said kissing her forehead.

"Oh. Okay. Love you!" she yelled as I walked away. Don't get me wrong I love Bella a lot, but she has Jessica and Rebeca that follow her like puppy dogs and it just bothers me. Bella's the head cheerleader and I'm the star quarterback, perfect couple right. Anyways, she's chill and loves that same things I love but I don't I guess since she'd rather put her two best friends before me my feelings for her aren't the same anymore. And now that Paige is here! ugh, she was my childhood crush and when I had to leave it broke my heart to leave her, we did everything together. I'm glad she's here, maybe I'll get her back.

"Matthew!!" Ryan said snapping me outta my thoughts.

"Hey, have you seen Paige around?" I said looking around.

"Who?" He looked and me with a confused face. Oh yeah that's right she's the new girl, no one really knows her besides me.

"Never mind" I said walking away. Well I have first period with her, hopefully she's there.


I walked into class, looked. There she was, beautiful as ever. Hair pulled back into a messy bun, black leggings, blue jacket, she looked perfect. I walk past her, she gives me a forgiving look. I sat behind her.

"Hey" I said with a smile on my face.

"Hi" she said softly.

"Everything okay?" I said waiting for her to answer. She didn't say anything for awhile. "Was it me? Did I do something wrong?" I said looking at her.

"Matthew, I'm okay" She said with a small smile.


❌Paige Morley❌

"Everything okay?" He asked. Before I could say a word "Was it me? Did I do something wrong?" He said in a worried tone. Should I tell him what's really bothering me?

"Matthew, I'm okay" I said turning around to look at the worried boy, I gave him a small smile and turned around.

"Okay" He said with a sigh. I felt bad not telling him, but it's useless. I mean if I did tell him he'd probably think I was weird for even feeling upset over something stupid in the first place.

As class went on I felt blue eyes gazing on me from behind, I didn't bother to turn and look, I just ignored the feeling and tired to pay attention. After an hour the bell rang, finally free period.

As I was walking out of class, I could feel a cold hand grab my wrist. I turned around and locked eyes with the blue eyed boy standing now in front of me.

"Paige, I know somethings wrong. I'm worried I did something" He said looking down at his feet.

After what felt like a long moment I sighed. "Matthew you didn't do anything. Please stop. I'm okay I promise."

"Okay good, not that I know you are okay. I think I should probably tell you... I'm coming over after school" He said with a wink.

"Um...Okay? And when were you gonna ask if you could?" I said now walking to my locker with him.

"Well that's it, I wasn't gonna ask you. Because you know, I used to come over all the time without even bothering to ask so I decided I'd just come over and chill with you, cause I've missed you!!!" He said stopping me and hugging me.

I couldn't help but think back to all the times we hung out, a slight smile appeared on my face. He let go of me after about 5 minutes of standing here hugging me.

"Anyways I have something to--" He tried saying but got cut of by this annoyingly loud sound coming from down the hall.

"Oh Matty poo!!" Sang Bella running this way.

"Oh great" He said rolling his eyes and then putting a fake smile on, I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" She said snottily looking at me.

"Nothing" I said smiling trying not to laugh.

"Good. Matty, baby." She said leaning in closer to him then whispering in his ear. "Who the hell is this rat you're talking to?" She then stood back up.

"Haha um yeah for 1, I do have a name and it's not rat thanks though. And 2, why do you care if he talks to me or not?" I said with some what of an attitude.

"I honestly don't care what your name is, Rat. And um because he's my boyfriend and I don't think I want him socializing with rats.. Might ruin our reputation." He said standing holding hands with Matthew. I honestly wanted to punch her straight in her stuck up face.

"Hey um Bella, this is Paige. She used to be my best friend before I moved" He said scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah there's the hint word "Used to be" You're not friends anymore rat, so move along" She said shooing me away. Who the hell does she think she is!

"Excuse me um what? Bella? But for you're information, I wasn't the one who started the conversation with Matthew, he came up and talked to me. So before you go and go off on me, get your facts straight, and same goes for your teeth. And I am gonna go. Goodbye Matthew, have fun with your pet." I said shutting my locker and turning away from them. I could hear her whining about what I said, but oh well I kept walking.


As last period came to an end, I was happy I get to go hame and sleep. Today I guess wan't that bad, I just ignored the messages from Matthew's pet all day and pretty much ignored him too.. I felt bad, but not that much.

*Buzz* Matthew's name popped up on my phone, the text read..

Matthew: See you later!

Oh great... I forgot, he's coming over. Ugh!!! Think of something Paige! Make up an excuse.. umm...My moms not home? Nah to lame.. umm I have to babysit? Yeah there you go!

Paige: I'm sorry Matthew, I totally forgot I promised one of my moms friends I would babysit today. Maybe another time.




Hey guys!!

I hope you guys like the book so far, I will be writing more shortly.

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Thank you. Love you guys!!

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