Big Mistake Chapter Eleven

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            After Lee Anna left to go meet her new friend since they weren’t a couple yet, I decided to watch some TV. Lilly was still asleep and I was waiting on the results from the lab. An hour after watching the movie I went and checked on my wife. She hadn’t woken up since she decided to take a nap; I was hoping that she would be ok. I made sure that she had the fluid drip. When I went to check on her she was sitting in the bed. “Hey baby, how are you feeling?” “Like I got ran over with a truck. What time is it?” “A little after nine, is your stomach still hurting or anything?” “No, I feel a little better, but Daniel I don’t think it is the cancer.” “I know I am having the same thought, but if it is that then we have to tell father and Lee Anna the truth.” “I know and it is time for them to know that we are married. But if it is that, what are we going to do?” “We will take it one step at a time, and I will be here every step of the way.” “OK, I’m hungry can I have some broth.” “Yes, I will go get some, and I am going to call on your results.” “OK, hurry back, I love you.” “I love you too beautiful.”

            With that I headed down to the kitchen, I didn’t want anyone up to our room. On my way down I called the lab for the results, and they had just finished processing them. “Dr. Jonas, the pregnancy test came back positive, and also her sugar levels are too high as well. It looks like there is a trace of the cancer, but it is not full blown.” “Thanks, I will keep an eye on the sugar levels, as well as the cancer levels.  I will do a scan to see how far along she is, but I think I  already know.” “OK, well we are here if you need us.” After I got off the phone, I orderd her chicken broth, and then took it up to her. On my way up I ran into father. “Well son, how is Lilly doing?” “She is finally up, and is hungry, it looks like her sugar levels are raised and the cancer is coming back. Plus there are other things, but I have to speak with her, before we tell anyone about it.” “Daniel what are you not telling me?” “I can’t not until I speak with her. But it will be soon I am sure of it.” “Fine, I’m going to change into comfy clothes, and then I want to see my daughter.” “OK sir, but not too much time she is still sick.” “I understand Daniel.”

            We both split ways in the suite, he went to his room and I went to mine and Lilly’s.  She was watching the TV, just waiting for me. “What took you so long?” “I had to call the lab, and I got the results. Plus dad is here; he is changing then wants to come see you.” “Ok, well what are the results?” “Well, your sugar levels are high, so no sweet stuff till we get them lower. The cancer is coming back but we have caught it so I just have to see where it is and what we were thing it positive as well.” I watched as my wife started crying. I just went over to her and held her as that was all I could do. I mean I knew this was hard on her, but with her in this situation we can’t do chemo now. “Daniel, I don’t want to see anyone right now. Please don’t tell anyone, until we figure this all out.” “Well father, knows about your sugar and the cancer, but I wouldn’t tell him the other part.” “Yes, and I am wondering what it is you are keeping form me. Lilly why are you crying?”

“Oh daddy, Daniel just told me the news. And I didn’t want the cancer to be back. As for what he is not telling you, he won’t tell you until I am ready to spill.” “Fine, I won’t harp on it. So are you feeling a little better at least?” “Yes, I am, as a matter of fact I would like to eat now. Daniel why don’t you go take your shower, while I eat, daddy is here so he can stay with me.” “OK, beautiful, I will.”  After that I headed to the shower, as I knew I needed one. However, I didn’t plan on taking a long one. Just long enough for Lilly and father to talk.

Lilly’s Pov

After I sent Daniel to take a shower, I started eating my broth that he had brought up to me. Daddy was sitting on the bed looking at me. “Lillian, I know you are keeping something from me, please know that you can tell me anything.” “I know I can daddy, and I will tell you about it later.” “Fine, I won’t push too much.” “Thank you daddy, so how come you came to Vegas?” “Well I wanted a break from the office, and I missed my girls. Plus I needed to come check out the hotel.” “Well I missed you as well.” “Good, so what made you so sick the day after you arrived?” “Oh, well um Lee Anna and I went to a club, and I was drinking.” As soon as I said that I started thinking about what Daniel had just told me. Daddy saw me zone out. “Lilly, what is wrong?” “I was just thinking about something. Daddy, can you give me a minute I need to go to the bathroom.” “But Daniel is in there.” “It’s ok, its not like I haven’t seen him naked before.” “What do you mean Lilly?” “Um, I can’t talk right now I have to go to the bathroom.” 

I got up off the bed, and I was a little dizzy but I still walked into the bathroom. As soon as I was in there I locked the door. “Daniel.” “Lilly, what are you doing out of bed?” “I just thought about something, I was drinking the other night, what if I hurt the baby.” I was crying by then. Daniel,  got out of the shower and walked over to me. “come on babe, you didn’t know ok. I am sure the baby is fine. Now why don’t you go back to bed, you still don’t look good.” “I promise I will daddy is still out there.” “OK, I will be out in a few minutes.”

After talking to Daniel I walked back into the bedroom. Daddy was looking at me. “OK the reason I said that is because we have taken showers before so us being naked in fount of each other is nothing new. Also, two weeks before Lee Anna’s and my birthday, we both went to the court house and got married, as I didn’t want to wait, since I am sick all the time and what not.” “Lilly, I wish you would have told me and your sister this, but I understand, so you guys have been married for what three- four weeks now?” “Yes, and we were going to tell you, but we didn’t want you to be mad at us.” “Oh honey, I’m not mad, I knew you two would be married soon anyway. I am glad that it was before the cancer came back.” “Thanks daddy, I am getting tired now; I think I am going to go to sleep.” “OK, sweet angel you go to sleep, we will talk tomorrow, and you can tell me how far along you are as well.” “What are you talking about.”

“I can tell that you are pregnant, and I know that is what you are hiding from me. So we will talk about it tomorrow or when you are feeling better. I am happy for you and Daniel, I just wish that the cancer wouldn’t have come back, but since it did this is going to be a ruff pregnancy.” “OH, daddy, I just didn’t want you to be upset or anything I would have told you after Daniel and I figured this all out. But for now we are going day by day. But I am tired and I want to sleep. Daniel will be out in a minute.” “Well, I am going to take your bowel and put it in the kitchen, then I am going to go walk around the hotel. Tell Daniel to stay with you tonight and we will take in the morning. I love your sweet pea.”  “I love you to daddy.”

After that conversation I got comfy on the bed and waited for Daniel to come out. He did a minute after daddy left. “Where did dad go?” “He went to go walk around the hotel. I was tired, and I want to go to sleep. Are you going to sleep with me?” “You know I will, what did you two talk about?” “I told him we were married, and he took it well. He is happy for us. And when he left he told me that tomorrow we can tell him how far along I am, he knows I am pregnant. He is happy about that as well.” “Well I am glade for that, but we don’t know how this is going to work out.” “I know, but for now I just want to sleep.” “OK, let’s go to sleep.”

With that, we both got comfy in the bed. Daniel got on his side, and I lay on top of him like I usually do. He wrapped his arms around me and we both went to sleep. God knows we both had had a long day.

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