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"You bumped into who?" Demi asks in shock over the phone that night, and I nod, even if she can't see it.
"Well, he bumped into me, but those details won't matter when I'm losing my head," I reply, most likely over exaggerating, but oh well. The boy was lethal, I wouldn't be surprised if he is in a gang. Especially after watching him run away from those guys who still give me chills. I sure hope Luk got away, they would snap him in half, like a twig, if they caught him.
"Do you think he got away?" I ask Demi, and it goes silent for a while.
"Probably. Especially if they didn't catch him after he had a little break to make sure you were safe from falling," she replies, and I nod, again. This is true, he most likely lost them and went home or something.
"Anyway, I'm going to sleep, night," Demi tells me. I mutter a "night" back, closing my phone afterwards and turning the light off. I climb further down my bed, closing my eyes in order to sleep. But that doesn't seem like it's going to happen. No matter how much I try to reassure myself that Luk got away, there's still a small part of me that doubts it. God, I hope he's ok.
The next morning, I change into my black skirt that reaches mid thigh, putting on some skin coloured tights with it. I button my top up, doing my tie loosely before putting my blazer on. I continue getting ready, taking Lucian off of Tony the moment I get downstairs. I grab our bags and take Lucian to his childcare. I rush to school, glaring at the floor in concentration. I bump into someone and instantly look up. They chuckle, holding my waist to prevent me from falling over.
"We've got to stop meeting like this," a male voice states, and I look up to see Luk with an amused smirk on his face. And instantly I start to stutter.
"I don't remember sleeping with you," he muses, and my face falls.
"That's because I'm still a virgin," I inform him. His eyes widen and I nod, walking away from him. That's one thing I hate about this school, everyone instantly thinks you're no longer a virgin. Just because the other girls got rid of it the first chance they had, doesn't mean I would...
"Hey, wait, I didn't get your name!" he calls out.
"And you never will!" I reply. It's true, he won't get my name because he's in the year above. I'd be unlucky to bump into him again.
"Demi!" I call out as I see her just about to walk into the class. She waits for me to catch up, giving me a smile as we walk in together. We take our seats, getting everything out that's needed.
"I bumped into him again," I mutter quietly, seeing her eyes bulge. Just at that moment, I see our teacher walk in, meaning whatever Demi wants to say now has to wait.
"Tell me," she says the moment we finish the lesson. Sighing, I jump into the story of what happened, and her mouth falls open in shock.
"Yeah," I say awkwardly.
"He'll work double time for your name, you know," she reminds me. Groaning, I nod in understanding.
"Let him," I grumble, making her laugh. Just as I'm about to walk into my next class with her, I'm shoved into a locker near the door. And not too softly. Groaning in pain, I'm now only being held up by the person's hands.
"I think it's time that the frigid girl has another kiss, right?" a guy says, smirking sadistically at me. Eyes widened, I begin fighting to get away. I'd heard about this boy, he tries to kiss you and then some. Well it weren't happening to me.
"Stop fighting you stupid bitch," he growls.
"Dave, get off her," a voice I'm growing to know says tiredly. Everyone pauses, watching the scene unfold.
"Why do you care about a useless nobody?" 'Dave' questions.
"Because she's interesting," Luk replies, "Now I believe I told you to get off this intriguing girl." Dave lets go slowly, and I scurry off without even thanking Luk. I just run straight into my lesson, straight into safety. All I wanted in this moment is to be invisible. No more forced kisses, no more name calling, just blissfulness. But as long as I'm a virgin, that won't happen. And even after, I wouldn't be left alone.
Walking home again, I put my earphones into my ears, once again bopping my head to the beat. But what I don't anticipate is to be ran into. Again. Except this time, he doesn't stop. He propels me forwards also.
"Run!" he exclaims at me, and I try to keep up, stumbling everywhere, my boots stomping against the ground loudly, my hand gripped tightly in his.
"Luk, who are we running from?" I ask breathlessly, still running behind him.
"They found me," he growls, and I raise a brow. There's no need for growling, like Jesus.
"Who found you?" I ask as he shoves me into a cafè. He looks round, cursing quietly before shoving me into the girls toilets.
"Luk! What's going on?!" I hiss angrily. He shushes me for a while before sighing in relief.
"You remember the guys from yesterday?" he asks, and I nod.
"They've assumed you're associated with me and came after me today. So I ran the same way as yesterday. And saw you again. I was hoping yesterday was a one time thing but obviously not. They're after you now, that's why I dragged you with me. Now we just gotta hide out in here for a while until we lose them," he explains softly. I raise a brow.
"Are they in a gang?" I ask, and he nods hesitantly. Sighing, I nod.
"You've got me into shit with a gang. Great, just great," I say, sighing out of anger.
"Are you in a gang?" I ask, my eyes narrowing. He hesitates, answering my question.
"You're unbelievable," I say through a heavy sigh. And to think I'm now stuck with him.
"You best keep them away from me, Luk Jackson Hilddleton," I threaten. He gulps and nods as we relax inside one of the most unhygenic places possible. Looks like we're here for a while.
Eventually, after two hours, we manage to leave each other's presence. But only after he decides to walk me home 'safely'. In other words he grabbed my hand and sprinted, swearing whenever I made him stop by stumbling. When we got to my door, I told him to leave, and after five minutes he did. And that takes me to now. Resting in bed after being asked a billion questions about "the boy outside", as my mum put it. But finally I got the point across that I don't want to talk about it. So now I'm laying in bed, contemplating how I'm going to get to school and back everyday. If what Luk said is true, then I'm in danger because of him. So now my life is in his hands, and he better take extra care with it.

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