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"I haven't got all day, Princess! Hurry up!" Luk's voice mutters furiously. Apparently, his rival gang - the idiots after him - decided to throw their youngest back into school to keep an eye on us. So now I'm having to be under his bloody protection. He's always outside of my classes, waiting for me. We now walk to school together and home together - more like run home and wait an hour before getting back safely.
"Shut up," I mutter back bitterly, knowing very well that the guy stalking us - sorry, I mean observing us - is behind us, doing his "observing" for the gang. And it's apparently setting Luk on edge. Quite badly, I must add.
"Chill, jeez," I mutter as I see him shuffle on his feet once more. He sends a glare my way, and I glare back. His face instantly softens. For some reason, he can never hold a glare when it comes to me.
"Please, Skylar," he begs quietly, and I sigh, speeding up slightly. I can't say no to him for some reason, especially when he sounds so vulnerable. I'll admit, I had recently become closer to Luk, and could most definitely consider him a friend of some sort. You can't spend every waking second of your day - or so it feels - with someone and not grow close to them.
"Done," I say in a mumble. He nods and grabs my hand, walking with me to my class after break. Our fingers are interlinked, and it honestly feels so nice. I look up at his silver-grey hair that covers one of his eyes and his black lip piercing and smile softly. No one could deny that he's attractive.
"What?" he asks me, catching me staring at him.
"Just appreciating the small things around me," I reply vaguely.
"Small? Babe, you're smaller than me!" he exclaims, making me laugh.
"Still, you're part of my life and I appreciate that, even though my life has gone to shit since you came into it," I say, making him wince.
"I am sorry about that," he mumbles. I wave my hand in dismissal.
"If it hadn't have happened, we wouldn't be here now," I remind him, and he nods hesitantly. When we get to my class, I give him a quick wave and rush inside. Turning briefly, I see him looking at me, and smile softly.
He is definitely the hottest eighteen year old going.
"Demi, run!" I scream as Luk and I run towards her, my hand in Luk's, like usual. He grabs her hand once we catch up, and both Demi and I stumble behind him, her stumbling more than me.
"Why are we running?" she asks, sounding scared.
"Explain later," Luk replies, clenching his jaw as he sprints forwards in determination. Like always, we hide in the same place, the place he first took me to, and hide in the toilets once more.
"What's going on?" Demi asks quietly. Luk looks at her and sighs.
"Its a long story," he tries to delay, but she crosses her arms, refusing to let him get away with it.
"There's a gang after me," he says, finally giving in. Her eyes bulge, much like when I had found out.
"Are the rumours true?" she asks, and he nods boredly.
"They're also now after Skylar because they think she's important to me. Like, romantically important," he adds on. She nods, her mouth agape.
"Are you in a gang?" she asks me.
"What? No!" I reply, sitting up straighter. She nods in relief, while Luk on the other hand is seemingly trying to hold in laughter. I hit his shoulder, only bringing the laughter to the surface while Demi shakes her head. We had been hanging out with his crowd more and more, for obvious reasons, so she was somewhat comfortable around him now. Everyone spoke about the two sixteen year olds with the boys, a bunch of eighteen year olds. Somehow that only brings more attention to me. Luk can only fight off so many people before one slips through and bullies me or sexually touches me in some way. They always left with the need of an urgent hospital visit though, curtesy of Luk.
"Ok, we can go," Luk finally says, making Demi and I instantly walk out. Luk walks past, gripping my hand firmly in his as we walk. Looking down, I raise a brow at our now entwined fingers before shrugging, swinging our hands back and forth as we walk, making him chuckle.
"Guys?" Demi asks, her voice shaky. Luk looks up, the smile slipping off his face as he swears loudly. Grabbing Demi's hand also, we run in the opposite direction to the large group of people now chasing us. Thankfully, Demi's always been good at matching people's paces, and this is a walk in the park for her. Over the past few weeks, I'd managed to match his pace, so I only stumbled a couple times. We reach a house, and I raise a brow. Luk pushes us inside, and I'm instantly met with a bunch of stranger's faces.
"They're coming," Luk says, and suddenly it's an uproar. Demi and I are shoved up the stairs and into a random room filled with lots of supplies - food and drink in one corner, little beds in another, and a toilet, sink and bathroom in another. There's even a little pile of towels and a washing machine. They're clearly prepared.
"Get in and lock it. I'll do this knock -" Luk stops talking to show the knock he'll do, "- to say it's safe," he tells me. I nod, and he kisses my forehead.
"Do not open that door without that knock," he warns me.
"No matter what you hear," he continues. I nod, hugging him tightly before he gently shoves me into the room, shutting the door on me. I lock it and scurry to Demi's side on the beds, curling into her side. We both jump as we hear gun shots and lots of shouting.
"The girls, Luk! Just hand them over!" a voice shouts.
"You honestly think I'd give my Princess's location up?" he replies before laughing.
"That's probably why they think something's happening between us and trying to get me," I mumble quietly, making her chuckle. We grab the blanket off a bed and wrap it around our bodies to stay warm. Hours go by of loud shooting and shouting. I'm honestly surprised no one has called the police yet. Although this place is a rather dodgy place, that's probably why. It's probably normal here. Suddenly the knock sounds, and I run to the door, throwing it open. I throw my arms around Luk in relief, seeing his gang there.
"Sorry to say this doll, but we're going to be in here for a while. We always have to go into hiding after that," someone says to me. Luk gently pushes me inside, the others soon following him. I go back to Demi's side, Luk following as one of the guys - I note it to be Jack, Luk's friend - shuts the door, locking it before coming to sit down also. I note all of the guns inside the room, placed by people's sides as they relax, staring at the door or closing their eyes. Luk is staring at the floor, his foot constantly tapping. So I grab his hand in a reassuring way, causing his eyes to snap over to me. I give a meek smile, one which he returns. Demi lays down on the bed we're sat on, her breaths evening out. Luk stands up, and so do I. I adjust the blanket to cover her sleeping form, sitting on the floor by the bed she occupies. Luk goes and sits with one of the boys, whispering furiously at him.
"Guys? Can I text my mum to say I won't be home?" I ask, and they nod.
"Just say you're staying at a friends for a couple days and you're not sure when you'll be back," a guy - I presume the leader of these plonkers - instructs, and I nod, texting mum that. Immediately she asks if Demi was ok, knowing I normally stay with her for a couple days if it's needed. I just reply back with a yes, knowing she won't bother with checking up with Demi's mum.
"Sorted," I say, and they all nod. I rest my head back, closing my eyes. This wasn't what I expected to do today...
It's been a week now. My mum even text asking if everything was ok. It never takes this long to cheer Demi up, but the boys just said it's protocol. They had every charger of every sort, as well as clothes. Apparently they were in bags under the beds. Due to a lack of beds, Demi and I had to share a bed while Luk shared with Jack.
"How much longer are we in here?" I grumble, avoiding looking at one of the other guys - Rick - going to the toilet.
"Tonight and tomorrow we can leave," Luk replies. I nod tiredly, watching as my clothes dry on a little horse rack that was also very well hidden. I was currently wearing one of the extra tops as a dress and pyjama wear.
"Lets just get through tonight," I say tiredly, curling into Luk's side, who chuckles softly, stroking my hair from my face. Slowly, I fall asleep.
"Princess," a voice says softly. I slowly wake up and look at Luk, who's smiling softly at me.
"We can go," he informs me. I jump up and change into my original clothes, hearing him laugh, before running out. He follows, as does Demi, and we drop her off at home before walking to mine.
"Is your mum ok with you not attending school for this long?" he asks in worry, and I nod. He sighs in relief, nodding also.
"I'm really sorry that happened," he tells me once we're stood outside of my house. I give a small smile.
"You couldn't predict it, Luk. But I will be bringing some clothes for in case that happens again," I muse, making him laugh, nodding.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" he asks, and I nod. Thankfully, tomorrow is a Saturday, so I can catch up on the sleep I missed out on. Walking inside, my mum hugs me, and I hug her back. Even Antonio gives me a hug. I take Lucian from his hold, hugging the baby tightly, but not tight enough to hurt him.
"Sorry I was gone so long," I say sheepishly, causing my mum to shrug. I hand Lucian to mum as he starts crying and go upstairs, straight into the shower. I wash the grime off me, remembering back to the fear I felt when Luk wasn't with me when the shooting happened. I had avoided looking at the mass amount of dead bodies on the floor while leaving, yet I still saw them, and they're still imprinted in my brain. But there's nothing I can do except try to forget. A sob escapes me and I slide down the wall, sitting under the streaming water that masks my tears. I bring my knees to my chest, rocking back and forth for a while before regaining my composure, standing up to wash my hair. I turn the water off once I have, drying myself off and changing into some clean clothes. This week has surely been eventful. In fact, this whole month has been.

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