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"Princess," a voice says softly. Opening my eyes, I look at a sheepish looking Luk.
"How did you get in?" I ask.
"No one was answering and your door was unlocked. I locked it, by the way," he informs me. I nod, groaning.
"What do you want?"I ask, looking at the time. Midday.
"You're needed at the house," he says hesitantly. Gulping, I nod, waving him out to get ready.

"Go make yourself comfortable," I grumble, standing up once he shuts the door to my room. Grabbing some black booty shorts and an oversized top, I put them on, placing my combat boots for school on my feet. I walk downstairs, grabbing my hair brush to brush my hair. I then go into the bathroom and brush my teeth, grabbing my phone from my room before I grab my keys, locking the door behind me as we step out.
"Are we grabbing Demi?" I ask, and he nods. So we walk to her house, where she makes us wait while she also gets ready. Once she's ready, we go to the house, where everyone looks at us with grave expressions. Gulping, I follow Luk as he leads Demi and I to Derek's office - Derek being the leader of the gang. We stand in front of him, Demi switching from foot to foot.
"You girls know too much about the gang," he starts. Another gulp. A bead of sweat dripping down my forehead.
"You're now part of the gang," he informs us. I raise a questioning eyebrow. He sighs.
"You won't be doing jobs for me, but you will be on lockdown with us. So you'll be moving clothes in soon," he tells us, and I sigh in relief.
"You're part of us now," he tells Demi and I just before we walk out.
"Well then," I say awkwardly once we're a safe distance away from his office. Luk smirks, sliding his hand into mine as we walk to Demi's. Luk and I wait on the doorstep while she goes inside to grab clothes, a hairbrush, and two spare toothbrushes. She bounces back outside towards us before we walk to mine, where I grab some of my worse clothes. I slip them into a plastic bag, grabbing the extra toothbrush off of Demi and putting it in my bag also. We then go to the shop and buy some deodorant each. We put them into our bags, soon walking back to the house, where we put the bags under a bed.
"We'll be getting you guys new beds so you won't have to share again," he informs, and I nod.
"But for now let's just relax," I practically beg, making Luk laugh. He nods, leading us to the living area, where his friends all are. We collapse on to the sofa, Luk putting an arm behind my head on the back of the sofa. Demi rests her head on my shoulder, and I lean my head back, closing my eyes tiredly. I was still incredibly tired from the previous week.
"Skylar, wake up. I need to get you home," a voice says. Groaning, I open my eyes, realizing I'm curled into Luk's side, my head on his chest.
"I have work," I inform him quietly.
"Where do you work?" he asks.
"The restaurant near mine," I reply tiredly.
"You work nights?" he asks me. I nod.
"I get more money for working nights, I need the money," I reply. Sighing, Luk gently moves me before leaving my side for the first time in a while. I curl up in his previous spot, smiling softly at the warmth.
"Babe," he whispers, and I hum.
"I've spoke to Derek, he says he'll get you a job that pays better," he informs me.
"He knows people, and they'll more than happily give you jobs," he informs me. I nod, opening my arms. Chuckling, he scoops me into his hold, my head resting on his chest again.
"Do you want to go to work or go to sleep?" he asks quietly.
"I have to work. I need the money," I say softly. Sighing, he nods, walking towards the door.
"What about Demi?" I ask.
"Jack will take her home," he tells me, soothing my worries. I nod, slowly waking up. When we get to the restaurant, they roll their eyes at me.
"Kitchen, now," they tell me. I guess they're mad about me missing a week's worth of work...
"I'm quitting, by the way. I'm giving my week's notice," I inform them.
"Like I care," the manager - a small, twenty year old girl - says sassily. I glare at her, walking to the kitchen and help them prepare meals. And this is what I do for six hours, until ten at night. Walking out after writing my hours down, I turn to see Luk sat there, enjoying an alcoholic beverage. When he sees me, he takes one last big gulp before paying and walking up to me. He links his hand with mine, walking out with me.
"So your manager seems lovely," he says sarcastically. Huffing, I nod.
"I have to work all day tomorrow to make up the hours I missed," I grumble angrily.
"You're only there for another week," he assures me, and I nod. When we get to mine, I turn to face him, smiling.
"Thank you, Luk," I tell him.
"Any time princess," he replies, shoving his hands into his pocket. I look at his beautiful hair, moving it out of his eyes. He chuckles and thanks me quietly, looking deeply into my eyes.
"I'll see you tomorrow I guess," I tell him, and he nods.
"I know I'm smothering you, but I just don't want you getting hurt," he tells me. I shrug.
"I enjoy your company," I inform him, and he smiles softly.
"I enjoy yours, as well," he whispers. I smile, kissing his cheek before I walk inside, locking the door behind me. I sit down and eat some dinner, informing everyone I quit my job for a better one. They ask where I'm going to work and seeing as I don't know myself, I say it's a surprise.
"But it's definitely better pay," I tell them, and they nod.
"I'm going to head off to bed now, I'll see you guys tomorrow," I say, kissing my mum and brothers cheeks before going to my tiny little bedroom. I crawl into bed after changing, falling asleep instantly.
The next morning, I wake up and change into my work uniform, putting my hair into a neat ponytail. I put a bit of makeup on and slide into some plain black pumps before grabbing my phone, sliding it into the pocket of my skirt. I open the door to exit my house and jump at the sight of Luk, who chuckles. I shut the door, locking it behind me. We walk to my workplace in a comfortable silence, Luk going to the bar while I go get an apron, pad and pen. Then I wander around, getting orders and giving them to the kitchen. I do this for fourteen hours, until twelve at night. And Luk didn't leave for even a second. But now I'm done, I've put my hours down, and now I can go home. I wave a farewell at Luk before stepping inside my house, quietly getting some food prepared. Once I've finished it, I go to bed, knowing I'll be tired for school tomorrow.
"Skylar!" my brothers voice roars, startling me out of my sleep. Standing up, I get ready for school, running downstairs, grabbing Lucian and his bag, shoving my phone into my pocket. I rush out the door and Luk smiles at Lucian, taking him off of me so I can put the bags on my shoulders. I then take Lucian back as we power walk to his childcare, signing him in and handing him to one of the women. I give her his bag also before walking to school with Luk. We just get into our classes as the bell goes, and my teacher tuts at me. Sitting down, I give a meek smile to Demi before focusing all my attention on to the lesson.
"Such a prude," Duncan, the biggest bully this school has, says in disgust, cornering me against the wall. How on earth Luk has managed to let this happen, I don't know. I walked out of my last lesson before lunch, and he wasn't there. And then I was shoved against the wall, and now I'm here.
"Duncan, let go," I say in fear. He had left me alone whenever he saw Luk at my side, and it's been at least a month now since he bothered me. But I guess things don't change, no matter how long you give it.
"You heard her," Luk's tired voice says.
"Back off, Hiddleton. This is between me and her," Duncan states.
"Her and I," I correct quietly, and he looks at me incredulously, making Luk smirk in amusement.
"Get off her," he says after a while. Eventually, Duncan gets off me, giving my breast a sly squeeze as he removes his arms from my body. Rushing to Luk's side, he wraps an arm around my waist and Duncan laughs in humour.
"Dukalin was right, it is her that's your weakness," Duncan says in amusement. I feel Luk tense up beside me at the unfamiliar name.
"Skylar, go to the food hall and sit with the boys," Luk says stiffly. Nodding, I run off from them all, narrowly missing other hands as I burst into the hall, finding the boys immediately. I run up to them, charging into Jack's back.
"Whoah," he says in surprise.
"Who the hell is Dukalin?" I ask them. Their faces drop.
"The people after you," Jack tells me.
"Yeah, well, Duncan is with them and Luk is with Duncan right now," I tell them. Honestly, I've never seen a bunch of boys run faster. Demi grabs my hand, running after them. When we get there, the boys are yelling at Luk to stop, Jack is trying to break Luk away from Duncan, yelling that this is what he wants. Luk was throwing punches left, right, and centre, screaming about how Duncan deserves every hit he receives.
"Luk!" I scream, and he pauses.
"If you keep hitting him, teachers will turn up. And you'll be thrown out of school for at least a week with your record, and I'll be left defenceless," I remind him. He throws one last punch before walking towards me. Grabbing the sleeve to his leather jacket, I guide him to the girls toilets, locking the door behind us to prevent anyone else coming in. He takes his jacket off, and I grab his hands, putting them under the sink. I turn the tap on, hearing him hiss at the contact. Soon enough, the clear water turns red with the blood on his hands, until eventually the bleeding stops enough to take them out. I grab some tissue and dry them, grabbing out the emergency first aid kit I always carry around. I wrap his hands to prevent the bleeding from going all over the place.
"You have to stop," I tell him firmly. Sighing, he nods.
"I need you here, Luk, I can't afford not to have you by my side. I need you to protect me because I'm useless at doing it myself, and I need you to be here for me when times get tough," I inform him. He places his freshly wrapped hands on my hips, nodding.
"I'm sorry. It's just the way he was speaking about you," he replies quietly. Sighing, I grip the edge of his beanie tightly, resting my forehead against his.
"I care about you, Luk. I worry about you so much, all the time. I hate seeing you in trouble," I inform him, finally opening my heart up to him.
"I promise I'll try harder," he whispers reassuringly. Nodding, I walk into his arms, wrapping mine tightly around him. He kisses the top of my head before I pull away, walking out with him. We head to our classes, Luk waving from the door of mine before wandering off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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