Chapter Five

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Leaving Andy outside of Phil's tavern and not having any bright ideas, I headed for my office to brainstorm. Mary Farr was at the reception center at the top of the second floor landing. She and Doris Garrity provide secretarial services to me and other businesses in the redeveloped high school.

"Hi, Rachel. Michael Basset, that client I texted you about, has an appointment for the 13th at 10:00 a.m. Here's your mail."

"Thanks, Mary. I'll be around for a couple hours but monitor my calls, please. I need some think time."

I laid the photo and the glassine sheet from my desk onto one of the school tables I use for cases. I decided against dusting for prints. The police wouldn't like that and I strive to stay on their good side, Marty Standish not withstanding.

On the blackboard I drew a circle. Marked it "LYNCHING" with Andy's info that Cutter may already have been dead. Why the hanging? Why the photo? Quickly scribbled "Revenge? Justice? Hate? Greed? Envy? Public Shame?" Wrote the names I knew on the board with question marks by those that weren't confirmed. More question marks for the unknown. To one side I wrote, "Cutter's house/photo printed," and drew an arrow from it to the lynching circle. I drew an arrow leading away marked "Pick-up truck?" Question marks everywhere.

Who knew the photo existed? The men in it? Did each have a souvenir? Did someone find one of those photos? A family member? Would a family member want the incident exposed? The glassine sheet with "P.J., R.I.P." proved the photo attached to Cutter was printed in his darkroom. Who besides Cutter used the darkroom? Why would Cutter print it? Was he forced to print it and then taken to Hangman's Oak and killed?

Vengeance seemed the most likely motive. But who? Was I wrong about PJs' family? Did one of them do it? I didn't want to believe that, but—

My smartphone rang. It was Andy. "This came in from AP while I was with you. Cutter's truck is in Lamar, Colorado."

"Did they catch the driver?"

"Two teens, boy and girl. I called the reporter who filed the story. A deputy taking a break at the local Walmart saw the truck drive in and the two kids get out. He thought it suspicious, ran the plate and found it was stolen and belonged to Cutter. He called for backup then he and another deputy arrested them. The teens are from here and live about a half mile from Hangman's Oak."

"How old are they?"

"Sixteen. They had fake ID saying 18. They ran away because their parents wouldn't give consent to marry."

"Sixteen and in love. Doesn't sound like a lynch party to me. Where'd they get the truck?"

"Said they found it in Gardner Park where Hangman's Oak is. Said it was in some bushes and still running. They thought it a good omen and took it."

"Strange. It's good info, but I'm at a loss to know what it means?"

"Me too, but that's all the reporter knew. I'll be asking the police that later for tomorrow's edition."

"Thanks, Andy."

I added "bushes" and "teens" to the blackboard. Stepped back to look at the whole picture. More holes than whole. I added, "picture frame?" to the board. I couldn't say why, just a niggling feeling that it was important. My hen scratchings weren't giving me any ideas. I headed back to Gardner Park to try and see where the teens found the truck. With luck, the police wouldn't have the spot cordoned off yet.

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