7. Fear

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 “Hmm. Good morning, Ju-,” My left arm stretched out, expecting to feel my girlfriend curled up against me like she had been before, but my hand only met smooth sheets. I sat up and looked around the room, totally confused. No Julia.

    “Look at daddy all confused,” her voice cooed. My head whipped to the door, seeing her walking into the room with Elizabeth on her hip. “Daddy’s only confused because mommy’s sneaky,” I said, holding my hands out. She handed me our daughter and sat down next to me, kissing my cheek. I plopped Lizzy down on my lap and bounced her little arms up and down, watching her face glow with pure happiness.

                “Breakfast is on the table,” Julia said, snaking her arms around mine and resting her cheek against the curve where my bicep met my shoulder.  “Let’s go eeaaat,” I sang, scooping Lizzy up into my arms. “Daddy’s hungry.” Julia giggled and stood with me.

                “By the way,” I said, shifting my daughter onto my hip. “You look lovely.” I bent down and captured Julia’s lips with my own, hungrily kissing her before pulling away. She glared at me. “You’re going to make me hate these next three weeks, aren’t you?” she asked. I smiled. “You know me too well.”


“Jules?” I said, shoving another forkful of strawberry filled French toast into my mouth. She looked at me over her shoulder, her hands continuing to cut the stems off of strawberries. I stood and slipped my empty plate into the sink, planting a sticky kiss on her cheek. My arms encircled her waist from behind and she giggled.

                “Breakfast was amazing, thank you, babes.” She turned her head slightly so I could kiss her lips. “You’re welcome.” “And just so you know, I was gonna go out for a bit today, hit up the mall, terrorize some children. You know, the usual.” She rolled her eyes. “Now what are you really going to do?” she asked, wagging a strawberry in front of my face; I opened my mouth and she threw it in, giggling as I nuzzled her neck.

                “Nice aim. And I was heading to the mall. I need a new hat.” Yea, I lied. I wasn’t going to the mall for a hat. I needed to get her a ring, an actual ring and not just the stupid cheap promise ring she already had. A ring with diamonds and gold that had the words ‘Will you marry me’ attached to it.

                “Get a red one,” she said, planting a strawberry  top on my head. “You’re wish, my command.” I kissed her and she whisked the green bunch off my head and into the garbage. 

                “Love you,” I said, grabbing my black leather jacket off the hook. “Love you, too.” “And daddy love you, too, princess,” I cooed, squatting down more to my daughter’s level. She was sitting on the floor, brightly colored blocks strewn around her little body. She looked up at me with a blue one hanging out of her mouth. “Jules,” I said, starting to take it from her. “Is she allowed to suck on these?” “Yea. She’s supposed to chew on them, too. They’re supposed to help her teeth and stuff.”

                “She’s teething already?” I asked. “How long have I been in prison?” Julia threw a strawberry at my head; it bounced onto the floor and I picked it up and ate it. “No, she’s not, dork. It’s for when she starts. For now, they’re just fun to suck on.” “I could say something-,” “Don’t.” I laughed and scooped Lizzy into my arms. She cried and squirmed, reaching for her blocks.

                “Let daddy give you a kiss,” I said, planting a kiss on her squishy cheek.  She gurgled at me and stuck her fingers in her mouth.  “Be good for mommy, okay, princess? Daddy will bring you back a hat!” She reached up and pinched my nose in response. I squinted up my nose and she laughed and clapped in delight. “She’s got a good grip,” I said, wiggling my nose. “I’m thinking pitcher.”

They're My Bad Girls. [Sequel To She's My Bad Girl]Where stories live. Discover now