2. Tears And Puke

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  "Hey, Jules." I gave a half hearted smile to my girlfriend, sitting on the other side of the thick glass wall separating the prisoners from whatever people wanted to see and talk to us. She looked like crap, thick black circles ringing under her eyes, looking like she hadn't gotten a good sleep in months.

    She smiled back at me, then frowned. "What's wrong, baby?" I asked, worry twisting my gut and draining the color from my face. She laughed without humor. "My boyfriend's in jail." "Sorry about that," I said. "He doesn't want to be. Promise." She rolled her eyes.

   "I have something I need to tell you," she said, her brown eyes falling away from my gaze.  "Go ahead, babes. I'm listening."  "Remember when we had sex in the back of Brian's van?" she asked, still not meeting my eyes. I smiled.

    "How could I forget? Best sex of my life." She giggled. "Well, um." "You didn't like it?" I asked, filling in as she paused. "No, Jase, that's not it. I hadn't, um.... Jason, I'm pregnant."

    My jaw dropped as the phone thing clattered out of my hand and onto the counter. It felt like my stomach had dropped past my balls, my head wiped clear of every thought.

    "Wh-h-how long have you...." I trailed off, still not able to make sense of it. Pregnant. She didn't hear me, thanks to the stupid inch thick glass separating us. I picked the receiver back up and repeated my question.  She sniffled, and my heart ached when I realized I had made her cry. "T-two months," she muttered, wiping her cheek on her sleeve.

     "Jules," I said softly. "Look at me." She slowly raised her eyes, beautiful brown rimmed in a light shade of red, tears pooling. I put my hand up against the glass and she followed suit, both of us wishing we could feel the other's touch.  "When I get out of here, I am going to do everything in my power to take care of that baby.  Okay? Don't think for one minute I'm going to let you take care of him or her by yourself when I helped make it. "  "I just feel like I'm ruining your life," she muttered.

    I laughed. "Baby, I'm in prison. Coming out and helping you raise a baby is exactly what I need to make my life go up. It's....to put it in the words of those corny poems you read, it's the light in my dark tunnel."  She giggled and wiped at her eyes. "You totally didn't get that quote right," she said.

   I shrugged. "It's the thought that counts." She smiled. "Do you really mean that, Jase?" she asked, referring back to the baby. Our baby. "No, Jules, I'm yanking your chain. Through glass. That's how good I am in bed."  She rolled her eyes and I laughed. "But I do mean it, every word of it. We're gonna have a baby!" I yelled, making everyone look at me and making that adorable pink flare across Julia's cheeks.

   "What? I'm excited," I said defensively, making Julia blush harder. "Do you know how embarrassing you are?" she asked. I grinned. "Noooo."  She put her face in her hands, and my grin couldn't help but stretch higher.

     "Don't you miss having me around?" I asked, raking my free hand through my hair, swishing it to the right the way I knew drove her crazy. She nodded. "More than you know," she whispered, tears springing back into her eyes.

"No, baby, don't cry," I said, pushing my hand back up against the glass. I just wanted to be next to her, cradling her in my arms and wiping away her tears. I wanted her to be able to curl up against me and feel safe, like there was no trouble, no problems; I wanted to be her rock, her strong spot in the middle of a swirling ocean, but here I was. Stuck in prison. With glass between us and no way for me to be there for her.

     She seemed to read my mind. "You know," she said, tracing her finger against the promise ring I'd given her for her birthday. "I'm actually kind of glad you gave yourself up." I just watched her, noticed the way the light glinted off those brown eyes I was crazy about, the way her hair shined, the shy way she raised her gaze to look at me.

   "I'd rather have you in here than six feet under."  A hint of a smile tugged at the corner of my lips. "I know, baby. The only reason I did it was for you. I couldn't imagine being in a place where you aren't, even if it is paradise." A tear slipped down her cheek.

    "Stop making me cry," she whined, wiping it away.  "I already cry enough from being pregnant. Stop making it worse."  "Sorry, baby. I'm just telling you how I feel." "Save it for when I can hug the crap out of you," she mumbled. I laughed. "You said hump, right?" I asked, smirking as she rolled her eyes.

    "Hug, Jason. Hug." I pouted my lower lip and she giggled. "I heard hump."  "When I'm not pregnant and overly emotional, then we can change it to hump."

     The loud buzz echoed across the room, signaling that us prisoners were done having our connection to the outside world. I looked at Julia and blew her a kiss.  "I love you," I said. The tears started falling again. "I love you, too."

      I waved towards her belly, covered up by my old high school sweatshirt. "By, mini me." She giggled and rubbed the little bump as a cop ushered me out of my chair and back into the prison.

       I glanced back as I walked through the metal doors, seeing my girl with her face in her hands, sobbing into them, her whole frame shaking.  My heart ripped itself to pieces right then and there.

       "You alright?" Derek asked as I collapsed onto my bed, laying my head back against my pillow and staring at the grey metal bars of the top bunk above me. "She's pregnant," I said, wiping my hand across my clammy forehead. "Who? Don't tell me you knocked some hooker up before coming in here, man. Cause if you did, you got talent. And good timing."

      I shook my head. "My girlfriend. She's....she's two months." "Huh." "And I don't get out of here for another eight. I'm not going to see my...my baby.....being born." "Are you okay?" he asked, standing to get a better look at my face. "You don't look so hot right now, Jase."

        "I'm going to be a father," I said, my throat burning from what I thought was tears.

       "Uh, Jase, you're a little green." No more did he get that sentence out before I leaned over the side of the bed and puked my guts up all over the floor.

Julia's P.O.V.

    I somehow managed to make it home without crashing into a tree, trying to see through the thick wall of tears pouring from my eyes. I just had to get home. Luke'd be there, and everything would be okay. 

     "Luke," I yelled the second I'd stumbled through the door. He came around the corner with a towel wrapped around his waist, his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth, toothpaste decorating the corners of his mouth.  "Are you okay?" he asked around the toothbrush.

     I shook my head and collapsed onto the couch, covering my face with a pillow and scream-sobbing into it. He spit into the flower vase I'd made in third grade and sat down on the couch by my feet, rubbing my back.  "Jase not take it okay? I knew there was a reason I needed to beat him."

    "N-no," I choked through the tears. "He t-took it fine." "Then what's the matter?"  "The father of my baby is in prison!" I yelled into the pillow. "And I need him here!" "Julia-,"  "No," I moaned.  "I just want him here, Luke. He's supposed to be able to feel his baby kicking, supposed to be here for the ultrasounds and doctors appointments. He's supposed to help me with this."

   "It's not his fault, Jules." "I don't blame him. I just-," the doorbell rang and he looked up. "That's gonna be Rachel," he said, biting his lower lip. I rolled my eyes. "Just go. I'll be okay." "No, you need someone right now. I'll tell her you need me, give me a second."

   "Luke, just go. I just want to cuddle up with a blanket and a movie," I said, rolling off the couch, gripping my stomach and clapping a hand over my mouth as the sudden movement made my stomach churn.  "You're sure? Cause I can cancel."

    "It's fine!" I said, walking to my room.

   I slipped  The Notebook into the DVD player and pulled the red blanket Jason had given me up over my body, hugging the giant stuffed dog he'd won at a carnival we'd gone to. The tears were rolling before the movie even started and I hugged the dog closer, breathing in the scent of Jason's cologne and wishing with all my heart he was here.

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