Chapter 2

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(3 years after Willow became the best swordswoman.)

"Willow, where are you?" Hunter calls from below the willow tree which is in the middle of the maze of the royal garden. He circles the tree a few more times before giving up, and walking away and out of the middle to look somewhere else. Where he didn't look is the top of the willow where he would have found his sister hiding in her namesake tree.

As Willow giggles quietly watching her brother go away. She slips down the trunk of tree to go to the weapons range to meet Fendrick, the captain of the warriors. "Gotcha!" Hunter says as he picks her up off the ground. "You should know you can't skip these party tonight, it's Hannah's engagement party and you have three hours to get ready."

He says as he carries his sister to the castle, and away from the weapons range. Once they enter the castle, and head to Willow's rooms. As the pair enter the bedroom, there are five maids, two male servants, and their mother's head maid. "Princess Willow, thank you for coming. Prince Hunter, thank you for collecting our tomboy of a princess." Millie, their mother's head maid, says.

Hunter leaves as soon as he put his little sister down to grab a book, so he can make sure she doesn't try to escape. Willow sits down in front of her vanity, so the maids starts to take off her make-up, undo and let down her hair. She stands up to let them help undress to prepare to go into the bath.

(Time skip.)

"You look like you came from one of the stories mother used to tell us as kids, Willow." Hunter tells her as she is wearing her gown for the party. It is a emerald green to match her birth stone, with jewels going from the waist thining out to small strands of small jewels. Her hair is up in a curl on the sides, pinned with a hairpiece in the shape of the family royal crest so there is a a little piece of hair going down her neck covering her right collarbone.

Hunter was dressed in a black suit to show his status, with a sapphire blue sash, wearing his crown to also show status. With his hair brushed dack with a jelly shine to it. He went from a bratty, rude, mean brother to a caring, some what rude, handsome, older brother. Willow smiled at him, which he returned as he placed her crown on her head.

"Shall we be going, dear sister?" Hunter says happily, then turns a little grime when he says, " I wish we can wait an hour more. The announcements would be over, and we would not have to deal with men ogling at you." He says with getting grimer and grimer at every word, that on instinct Willow felt indangered she kicked her brother in the left shin.

"Oww! Why the heavens did you kick me?!?" Hunter shouts releasing his sister's arm. She pointed to his face and made a scary face as well, "oh, sorry about that. I was sort of scary, wasn't I?" He says like he was talking to a little child. She stares at him then rolls her eyes, "don't you roll your eyes at me. If things were the way I wanted you would never be contact with a man other then family," Hunter says sternly. Willow then smiles at how much life has changed, how Hannah is getting married, how Hunter cares and even Maddox changed as he grew. He thought no one noticed, but he should have known she would have noticed.

As Willow allows her brother to lead her to the ballroom, she thinks on how she will sneak out. Should she risk letting someone find her, or just get out of there as soon as possible. Soon they were at the door, so she could think about it later. The doors opened, the squire announced, "presenting their Royal Highnesses, Prince Hunter and Princess Willow." As they entered, Willow released Hunter's arm to let him bow without her holding him. As he bowed, she toke a big breath in.

 Then a smell that she never smelt before, but it was so familiar to her, like a long, lost song she once heard. It reminded her of the rare chocolate that had a flower mixed in to add flavor and aroma. She noticed her brother had finished bowing, and she walked forward with a small blush graced upon her cheeks for noticed how a few people were talking about her. She curtsied quickly, but slowly enough for it not to be noticed or rude. She still wondered why that scent was here, the deserts would be served in about three hours, and that chocolate came halfway around the world. Plus Hannah despise the thought of putting flowers in food, and flowers were for decorating not dining on.

 Agree, I hope we find the source, it could the ONE. At that Willow stalled for a moment before continuing on walking. That voice, it was back, the very same voice that comforted her as a child. She missed it, it was a mistake to tell the Royal Advisor, Lord Harrison about it. He locked her in her rooms then they did therapy till she was seven years old, but she always missed the comfort of the voice in her head.

When the siblings went to congratulate their sister and groom, Willow saw a man who looked very handsome, and that amazing smell was drifting from where he stood. The man looked in her direction, meeting her eyes with a knowing look as why she was looking at him, which cause her to blushed a deeper shade of pink then before, and she hurriedly looked away. The man whispered something then turned back to his companions, talking about something serious yet joyful. Willow bowed to her sister then walked off to sit down, hoping everyone would forget about the mute, young, princess.

Hannah saw Willow sitting, trying to be forgotten by the crowd. An idea came to Hannah when it was time for the feast to come out, standing up and holding her glass, she spoke saying. "Welcome, my friends and family from far and wide, to Crown Prince Louis and I's engagement party. I would like to thank you all for coming, and being here to celebrate with us. I would also like to thank my father, for raising me to know what is known, my mother for everything, and my brothers, for always protecting me and watching out for me. But I would like to thank my sister, Princess Willow, for inspiring me to always continue even if I can barely, and being the best little sister ever, even when mute you find the right words to help me no matter what. Thank you," Hannah says sitting down.

Then Maddox decides to dance, but all of the ladies gazed at him hungerly, making him walk to his sister, "would you care to dance with me, Willow? I do not feel safe dancing with those woman on the floor." he asked holding his arm out for her to take as acception, or leave as rejection. But in her head she saw for the sake of her brother's mind, she would dance.

It may give us a chance to find that man, and find out if he is the ONE. Or you could explain what is the one, nice one, and I will explian in time. Fine, Willow thinks walking with her brother to the dance floor with the idea to find who she is being attracted to is.

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