Chapter 3

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As Willow dances with Maddox, the music changes to a new song from another country that she does not recognize when she has studyed many different things from other countries. Maddox looks to Willow as to ask what this is with a raised eyebrow before he was swept away by another lady, and Willow was pulled into a grasp that sent shivers up her arms. She turns to see beautiful, dark, emerald green eyes staring right back at her. "Princess Willow, will you dance with me?" The handsome man asked holding her hand close to him, and she nodded feeling like they were the only two in the world.

As they dance to the song, Willow took the time to truly look at him more closely. He had high cheekbones, and looked the be around 6 foot 9 inches, with dark chocolate brown hair cut close the the head on the sides, but a few inches on the top, and a small tail on the base of the neck. His skin was a lovely, dark tan that was more dark then any human's skin, and he had a feeling about him that made you want to just admit defeat in a fight. Sadly for him, she would never admit defeat, which has made her the strongest swordswoman in the Kingdom.

He observed her with those green orbs that sent shivers down her spine, which, unluckily, he noticed and smirked, sending more shivers up her spine. He swiftly went down to her, and whispered into it, "now that we are both done checking each other out, let me introduce myself. I am Prince Zachary of the Kingdom of Senticross(Sen-ti-cross), and you are Princess Willow of the Kingdom of Lesthinberck(les-thin-berk), also known as the Princess of Silent Swords in other Kingdoms." Willow still has a blush from when he noticed her admiring him, but now she knows his name and country. She returns what he said with a small nod of the head.

While the song ends, they step away from each other and bow. Willow heads straight for her chair, already planning on how to leave, while leaving the Prince behind with a longing in his eyes. As she reaches her chair, her sister sits there with a knowing grin on her face, while her groom talks with other people at the table. "Don't try to trick me into thinking there was no feelings. I am your older sister, I know you, and I know love. Now, come sit closer to me and try to tell what happened," Hannah says, motioning for her to sit right beside her. Willow gives her a look that is well known in the family, a look that says, 'I cannot stay here, I need to exercise.' Hannah rolled her eyes, and finally said, "fine, but I will get the details, Willow. Leave because no one is looking now, and if you get caught, that is not my fault!" Willow silently gets up with her head down avoiding eye contact with anyone, and goes straight for the door.

As she reaches the door and is just exiting, she feels a pair of eyes watching her. The feeling of it is familiar, but strange as cat, so Willow goes through the door. After that she does not close it fully, and peeks through it to see the Prince Zachary talking close to the door to his equally tall companions. "I know it is odd to find the One outside of the Kingdom, but I found her, and she is Wil-" "you don't want to say her name here, Zac, our enemies are here as well as allies. They could try to blackmail you using her," the man on the Prince's left said. "I know, Kyle, but I really don't want to leave her here in this Kingdom by herself. She didn't even realize she stepped on my feet a few times while checking me out. I know she feels the connection as I do."

Willow knew nothing about this conversation, so she slipped outside as a shadow would. She took off her black heels, and started jogging to the weapons range, quietly so the guards won't notice, and if they did, they knew not to say a word. Willow walked into the range, and went to the shed to grab her sword where Fendrick hidden it as always. As she searched, she got a feeling someone or something was watching her. She couldn't find her sword inside the shed, so she went outside to look for it.

She saw it by the forest edge, where they would practice tracking and hunting. This sword was not her practice sword that she usually used, it was the first sword ever made for her, from her father, she noticed as she neared. Just as she was going to pick it up, she heard a growling noise. She pickes up the sword and turned to the forest, there she met a pair of bright, amber eyes that stared at her with wonder, anger, and sadness.

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