Chapter 8

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That night Willow was asked to go to her parents' quarters, once she arrived at the lounge room her mother started lecturing her about what went on last night, then her father, knowing Willow had to rise early tomorrow morning, got her mother to calm down and off Willow went to bed. After she got to her rooms, she had the maids help her get out of her dress, then dismiss them because she wanted a little alone time. She decides a cloak would be good for tomorrow because it was supposed to be very chilly. After she had her clothes out and ready, she peeked out the quarter's door to tell the maid outside that she would not need their help for tomorrow morning. With everything called for, she headed to bed.

The sun was shining in Willow's eyes the next morning, but Willow realized that she was supposed to meet her brother and the Prince for a hunting trip at dawn. This thought got her ready in a record time of 10 minutes, after she made sure she had everything, she ran down the castle halls to the stables as fast and quietly as she could without disturbing the servants working and saying hello to a few. Once she got to the stables, she saw her brother and the Prince waiting for her by their horses. "Good morning, little sister, lovely for you to join us this morning." Maddon said, rolling eyes and his tone dripping with sarcasm. Rolling her eyes, Willow hears, "good morning, Princess Willow." From Zachary, who she nods her head and smiles at.

After they were prepared to ride, they all hopped onto their horses, well except Willow had to have help from her brother who was complaining the entire time. As they were leaving the gates to the castle, and entering the city, a girl shouted, "Princess Willow! If I may have just a moment of your time, please!" Stopping their horses so the girl could catch up, once she did, she handed the Princess a letter. "I know you are going out hunting, but if you could take the time to read this I would be extremely happy." Willow accepted the letter with a nod of her head, and an unsure smile on her face. Zachary observed this entire exchange with an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach.

Once they were half way through the city with Willow staring at the letter the entire time, Maddon spoke up. "That was the fourth this week, when are you going to settle down, little sister?" With a satisfied smirk on his face while Willow's face turned even more red. "What do you mean fourth this week?" Zachary asked with a protective feeling growing in his stomach, "are you saying the Princess is popular with the girls in your kingdom?" Willow's face got even redder, if that was possible, which made her cuter in Zachary's eyes. "Yes, that is what I mean. We don't know how, but having a small Princess who defies the image that woman are believed to be has made her very popular. Because she is still growing, some people just believe she is a boy that our sister turned to look like a girl." Maddon says chuckling at the end, and Willow glares at her brother before looking away.

As they near the gates to go past the city, they're all lost in their own thoughts. Willow raises a hand to the guards and they passed through the gate. Going on to less traveled roads, they start to pick up pace, heading towards a mountain. Zachary observes how Maddon just looks like he's trying to decide what to do next, while Willow looks like she dying to skip everything till they reach their destination. Maddon eventually stops them around noon to have lunch, which is bread, cheese, fruits, and a chicken leg for each of them. Before they ate, Willow looked around dying to get to their destination, but Maddon stared her down making her give up. After lunch, where Willow gave Zachary her chicken leg because after he devoured his own, he stared at her's for so long, they continued riding.

When the siblings knew they were nearing their destination, they heard a howl, and Willow whistled a loud, long tune into the sky. "Right, because we went the wolves to come towards to us. Awesome idea, sis," her brother said, putting a hand on his sword. Zachary didn't move a muscle knowing he could probably scare them all into the afterworld if he wished. Willow got down from her horse's saddle to kneel on the ground facing to the left of the path. The men become even unsure of the Princess' sanity, at least her brother did, and they leaped from their horses when the heard rustling sounds come from the forest. Before anyone could react, Willow was on the ground and there was a runt of a wolf on top of her. Laughing silently, as she pushed the muzzle that was licking her face away. Both of the men paused, still trying to understand what happening until Maddon was burst out laughing, remembering her little wolf, Putina.

Zachary sighs in relief as he recognizes the wolf from the night of the ball, going over to where the females are he grabbed Putina by the scruff on her neck. Pulling her off, causing Putina to whine and struggle in his grip. Dropping her, Zachary also pulls Willow off the ground causing both of them to glare at him. Taken back at the fact they really wanted to stay in that position, he sighs. "Putina, how good it is to see you, girl," Maddon going to pet her. Growling, she hides behind Willow's legs, shrugging, Willow gives her brother a look practically saying, 'that's your fault she never liked you.' "Let's go before it gets dark," Zachary says, looking at the siblings. Nodding their heads in agreement, Maddon hops into his saddle; while Zachary helps Willow gets into her's, much to her embarrassment.

They then ride till they reach a small cabin in the middle of the woods. Hopping off their horses, they unpack and set the horses up in a small shelter near the cabin. "Well, this will be our home for the few next days. Welcome, Zachary to the Royal cabin," Maddon says in a weird high and stuffy voice. "Thanks and just call me Zach," Zach says with a small smile on his face. "Of course, and call me Mad. It's my family nickname, and I feel you would a good brother. Welcome to the family, Zach" Maddon says. 'Oh, if you only knew what the future holds', Zach thinks as he takes in the little beauty who is focused on the little wolf.


Hey! Sorry for all the late updates! Lucky, school is almost over, I hope you are all happy!!!! I will try to update sooner, but I can't promise anything. Hopefully I'll update before July 1st, because it's Canada day. I hope you all have an awesome summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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