~Chapter 2~

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2 weeks later

I am kind of surviving school, but then again, kind of not. All of my classmates are ridiculous. I only get along with two other people, and of those two people, both are a little eccentric. The first person is Jeff. Jeff is so shy it's almost contagious. A tall and lanky guy, kind of what you would imagine a vegan hipster would look like, you can always find him sporting plaid converse, a maroon beanie, and a pair of black pants. He was your definition of an outcast. Maybe that was what I liked about him; he was refreshing. As I place my buttocks in the seat next to him for English, I notice he is itching to tell me something. He was smiling and jittery, as if he had four pumps of espresso flowing through his veins right now. Which was strange outside his normal character, but hell, who am I to judge?

"What's up?" He says with his water-like blue eyes.

"Oh, you know. Just hating all of my classes. The usual."

"Fascinating! So I wanted to tell you something."

"Sure, what's up buttercup?" I asked, half jokingly.

He laughs and says "OK, so you know how I've been eyeing that girl Alexis for a while now"

"Dude," I say, exasperating the word, "you have been OBSESSED with her for the past three days, CHILLAX!" I laugh as he starts smirking and cracking up. I watch as his curly mop of brown hair, the part not covered under the beanie, flops maliciously around and over his eyes.

"But you have no idea how cute she is!" He remarks and blushes.

"You because I'm not about that lifestyle." I laugh

Alexis was a cute chubby girl. She has this funny sass and attitude that is contagious. She is genuine and, if she was a candy, she would probably be that bubble gum you get on Halloween. You know what kind I am referring to. The kind that has all the sugar and as soon as you chew it, your teeth get a sudden surge of sweetness that is overwhelming. I no doubt underestimate that Jeff is smitten for her, but still, IT'S BEEN THREE DAYS!

"I'm gonna ask her out!"

"Then do it."

"You did not just tell me what to do."

I pause for effect then, I pulled a Shia LeBouf.

"JUST, DO IT!" I blare into his eardrum.,

"But what if she says-"

I interrupt him, "MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE!"

"I don't think I-" he tries to say through massive laughter.

"YES YOU CAN, YES YOU CAN, I KNOW YOU CAN!" I basically scream at him.

"But you know how I am with girls. The last girl I liked, I basically threw up trying to talk to her and ask her out."

"I will be there for you Jeff, you can do it."

"Thanks Daniella, I knew I could count on you to help me."

We were having such an intense time laughing and sharing information that we completely forgot we were in class and when I looked away, the entire class was staring at us. I stared back at everyone and laughed as I realized that we were the center of attention during the middle of Pre-Calculus. But, I suppose there are worse classes to be the center of attention for. Who cares about math anyway? You, you idiot. Oh, yeah.


You know what sucks, working, that sucks. Working on a school day when your teachers are trying to bury you in school work is even more ridiculous than working during the summer. Like yes, I know you hate your life, try not to fucking ruin mine in the meantime will ya? K, thanks, signed every student EVER. As I casually make my way down, I walk fast, and see some faces past. I want to laugh at some of them see how retarded they are, but I'll just keep my judgemental eyes to myself.

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