What is this Place?

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They were transported to a room almost identical to the one they had just left. The gate ride was a lot shorter than Sheppard was used to. Almost instantaneous.The moment they stepped through the other side, Lorne threw Sheppard arm off, place his forearm on Sheppard's chest and pulled the gun to his head, then slammed him against the nearest wall. Sheppard gasped as pain shot through his torso.

"Now, who are you and what have you done with Major John Sheppard?" He asked, his eyes cold.

"I'm...Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard and...I haven't done anything to your Sheppard." Sheppard said strained, keeping his hands by his head. Lorne narrowed his eyes and pressed the guns barrel to Sheppard's head. The barrel was warm against his, already hot and throbbing head.

"What do you mean 'my Sheppard'?" He asked, putting more pressure on Johns chest and making him wince as the sharp rocks of the wall dug into his back. His rib cage felt like it was about to colapse.

"Well...This realities...Sheppard." he said gasped. Lorne raised an eyebrow, so John continued, "Back where I'm from, McKay...and Zelenka were experimenting...with some sort of reality mirror. It was... supposed to let us look at other realities, but...Obviously it did a little more than that." He managed, inbetween gasps. Sadness sweeped through Lorne's eyes.

"Zelenka?" he asked. Sheppard nodded as best as he could.

"Yeah...Why?" he asked cautiously. Lorne licked his lips and adjusted his feet.

"Zelenka, or our Zelenka, died 2 years ago when the Wraith destroyed Atlantis." He said. Sheppard stiffened.

"Wh-What?" He stuttered.

"He wasn't the only one either. Most of the crew in Atlantis died, or at least those who were left after the Scourge." Lorne explained.

"Atlantis is gone? What Scourge?" Sheppard asked. Lorne just shook his head, and nervously looked around.

"Maybe later." he said. Then, he shoved off of Sheppard's chest and backed up, extending the arm holding the gun and keeping it aimed at Sheppard's head. Unsure of what to do, Sheppard stayed put with his hands raised. Lorne eyed him for long enough for it to feel awkward. Eventually he sighed and pulled his arm out of his cloak to look at a device on his wrist. He gave Sheppard one last skeptical look, then lowered his gun holstering it in the darkness of his cloak.

"I'll get Weir to take a look at you. Then we'll figure something out." He said. Sheppard warily lowered his hands, though stayed by the wall as his leg wasn't quite working yet.

"Weir's alive?" He asked. Lorne nodded, and looked down at the ground, shuffling his boot as if he were squishing a bug.

"Yeah. Out of every one who came to Atlantis from Earth, do you know how many made it?" He asked, looking back at Sheppard. Sheppard shook his head.

"5. That's it. 5 people." He said. Sheppard's insides turned. That was it. 5 people? He thought of all the people he had known. There was a slim chance that most of them, if any were still alive in this reality.

"Ford?" He asked hopefully. Maybe he hadn't faced the same fate in this reality as he had in Sheppards. Lorne shook his head and looked at the wrist device again.

"Alright, time to go." He said briskly, sweeping away. Sheppard limped up next to him, his leg filling with painful pins and needles.

"Go where?" He grunted.

"To get the Puddle Jumper I parked up top." He said. They were silent for the rest of the journey through winding hallways until they got to the top, when Sheppard saw that the landscape was basically the same as it was before he jumped through the weird, green stargate.

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