pranking, anything, date, and others

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Melody: Why is Yasmin passed out

Guren: I don't know

Ceylan: *has a stick* Is she dead *poking Yasmin*

Chooki: No she isn't *takes the stick from Ceylan and breaks it in half*

Yasmin: *Wakes up* What's going on

Ceylan: Nothing

Chooki: He thought you were dead

Yasmin: Well I'm not

Shina: Lets get this day started with the first one, nerdqueenchaos says, Aw poor Yasmin,here,i dare you to eat a mountain of chocolate sense I know you love that :3 now for the fun dares >:3 I dare Ceylan to prank Toxsa and Gen once per chapter for 6 chapters,and be careful with Gens pranks,one bad prank and chaos will me attacking you faster then you can say sorry,also I have a question for Gen,what would you do if Me and Chaos split,we both liked you,and you could pretty much have two Emily's?

Yasmin: Yay, chocolate

Chooki: Nope

Yasmin: What do you mean nope

Chooki: Your not eating that much chocolate

Yasmin: Why

Chooki: Cause you'll get sick from it

Yasmin: But it's a dare

Chooki: You'll still get sick

Yasmin: Hate you

Chooki: Love you too

Yasmin: I never said that

Ceylan: Haha *goes behind Toxsa with an empty game packet* Hey Toxsa

Toxsa: Yeah

Ceylan: I got you this *hands Toxsa the empty game packet*

Toxsa: Why

Ceylan: Just wanted to

Toxsa: Okay *opens it and finds it empty* Ceylan and your stupid pranks

Ceylan: Bye *runs away*

Gen: I guess I'll answer the question now, uh, it probably would be a good thing if there was two Emily's but then I wouldn't want to feel like I'm cheating or anything or anything in this world to be destroyed

Emily: Aw, you care

Gen: Course I do

Yasmin: Before they get all love mushy stuff, please announce the next one

Alexia: Okay, Shadlox says, 1) No I don't hate you
2) I dare you & my OC (Which I just realized is that he's still a GIRL) to do everyone thing you wanna do (like pranking on the others, etc)
3) Ceylan I have a message from Luna...............RUN BEFORE THE WATER BALLOON ATTACK IS ON BLUEBERRY!!!!!!!!!

Yasmin: Yesh *throws balloons filled with paint at everyone* Awesome day and Yay, I'm not hated

Ceylan: By some people and my name is not blueberry *gets attacked by water balloons*

Luna: Haha, the war is on *rapidly throws water balloons at Ceylan*

Ceylan: Someone help *trying to avoid the water balloons but fails to do so*

*After an hour or so*

Wakemai: Well, the house is now painted in a colourful pattern

Yasmin: That was so awesome

Luna: Yeah

Ano: Okay, let's move on

Alexia: Uh, Yasmin, can I talk to you

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