Cute, Haunted house, Dress up

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Beni: I will be announcing the questions and dares

Guren: Why you

Yasmin: Because I wanted her to

Alexia: Yeah, so you're gonna have to deal with it

Melody: yeah

Kiro: Can I do it next one

Yasmin: Yea, Beni, you gonna start the questions and dares now

Beni: Yeah

Toxsa: It's like you hate guys

Yasmin: I will not even comment on that

Beni: I shall announce the questions and dares now, nerduqeenchaos says, I DARE GEN TO BE CUTE FOR EMILY SENSE EVERYONE(including me)LIKES TO SEE U MAKE ME JELLY ALL THE TIME,also here*gives Ceylan something to help with his tongue*i may be insane but I'm not heartless 

Gen: See, what did I tell you

Yasmin: But it is kinda funny

Gen: *Is cute to Emily*

Ceylan: *tongue is cured* Thanks, that is so much better

Yasmin: And you are not insane, I am, and I am also heartless, so yeah, plus that was my revenge

Ceylan: You're cruel to me

Yasmin: No actually, I've just been waiting for an opportunity to do that, since I've never tried a prank like that

Beni: Would you do that to your own family

Yasmin: I shall not answer that

Guren: Why

Yasmin: A reason

Beni: I think I should move on

Yasmin: Yeah

Beni: So, I shall

Yasmin: Course, or I will never let you be the host for a day

Beni: Bad consequences

Yasmin: Only because most hosts know when to move on

Beni: Okay, senstargirl says, Me: let see...Nightmare have 9 voted and Katy have 8 so that mean that nightmare will win!

Katy: no way he never win I dare nightmare to have a death battle with me!

Crystallia: dare Toxsa and Juliana to go.......THE HAUNTED HOUSE!

Older&Little brother: dare Robert boy to play tag with us!

Young brother: questions 4 kiro, if ur cousin got bit by snake what should u do?

Me: hey shade r u still here?

Shade: yah, why do I have a feeling that I get kill

Me: good, dare shade to eat lime tart and soon blueberry will kill u with this gun machine I got my father.

Yasmin: Okay, but we still don't know who would have won

Nightmare: Battle, now

*Nightmare has a battle with Katy*

(Comment who you think won the battle)

Juliana: What's up with everyone and haunted houses

Toxsa: Yeah

*Toxsa and Juliana disppear to the haunted house*

Yasmin: Who's Robert

Orangor: Dunno

Kiro: If Chooki got bitten by a snake, I'll go tell my mum

Yasmin: I would call the ambulance

Chooki: See you do care

Yasmin: Say one more word, and your head will be hanging from the ceiling

Ceylan: Okay, I can do that *grabs gun machine*

*While shade is eating a lime tart, Ceylan goes behind him and uses the gun machine to kill him*

Yasmin: If you wanted a better kill, you don't tell your victim the plan, he could have easily avoided that, also, that is a simple kill, but not as simple as a knife to the heart

Beni: People could mistake you for a murderer

Ceylan: And yet they don't

Yasmin: Yup

Beni: I shall move on, XArabellaNicoleX2005 says, I Dare Ceylan to play with Kiro Dress Up!!!!!! 

Yasmin: Yes, it isn't me

Ceylan: But now it's me

Yasmin: Well, you do have to do that, remember the ask or dare rule book

Ceylan: I regret showing that to you

Yasmin: Yep, so do it

Kiro: Yay, more dress up

*Kiro plays dress up with Ceylan for a couple of hours and it ended in Ceylan in a big, pink, frilly princess dress and pink tiara*

Yasmin: What the *laughing* I gotta take a picture of this *takes phone out and takes a picture of him*

Ceylan: I hate this

Beni: I can tell

Yasmin: This is so funny, and nothing bad happened to me

Ceylan: How so you laugh at this

Yasmin: Because it's actual humor

Ceylan: What's that supposed to mean

Yasmin: Your jokes, ain't funny

Ceylan: That isn't true

Yasmin: Beni, end the day

Beni: Okay, I will, thanks for the questions and dares today, vote, comment, comment questions and dares, follow Yasmin if you haven't already, read her other books if you haven't already and we all will see you guys next time on ask or dare the tenkai knights

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