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Yasmin: What did I get myself when I created this book

Alexia: Why, what happened this time

Yasmin: Let's not get into the details but let's just say, I might regret making the book at one point

Beni: How about we get the questions and/or dares started

Jasmin: Yeah, I'll just start it, TheSHSLTrash says, I dare the guys to tell Yasmin their utter fears so Yasmin can do that.

Yasmin: Thanks, as if my life isn't screwed up enough

Chooki: I shouldn't ask

Yasmin: So, what's the fears

*Yasmin completes all the fears that were told*

Yasmin: You know, I feel like I should be surprised about some of the fears but, I don't think much can surprise me now

Jasmin: Anyways, let's move on, A0Devil0Angel0Girl says, Little brother: if you don't die then you get to skip the chapter for 2. Also Yasuim hope u regret but................. Idareyasuimtoplaymynext'fun'gamewhi chisthehardestandsamerule!Nopowerandtrynottodie!Bye!*run away quickly*
Me:MY TOXSA! R U OK!?😲 and dare melody to do a split.

Yasmin: If I die, then great, I might get some rest

Chooki: Are you mad, we barely survived, barely

Melody: *does the splits*

Yasmin: I'm not mad, you guys barely survived but I don't really care right now

Jasmin: Good luck

Yasmin: Kay, but, just don't destroy or rip anyone's heads off while I'm gone

*Yasmin disappears*

Jasmin: So, she's mad, anyways, thanks for the dares, vote, comment, comment questions and dares, follow Yasmin, read her other books and we'll see you guys next time on ask or dare the tenkai knights, bye

All: Bye

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