19: We Collide

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After a few days being sick, Aina was able to go back in school and the first person who saw her return was Kou.

Kou haven't seen Aina ever since the day he helped her carry the box of souvenir photos. He wanted to talk to her so bad that he decided to approached her this time.

When Aina was about to leave for class after changing her shoes, Kou approached her and greeted her.

"Hi good morning" Kou said. "How are you?"

Aina turned around and saw Kou wearing his Kendo uniform. "Morning. I'm good"

And she walked away, but as soon as she put her first step on the stairs, Kou caught up with her and grab her wrist. "Can't I talk to you just like any other girl in school?" Kou said.

"I'm sorry. But I don't want Hikari to get the wrong idea if she sees us talking" Aina said and pulled her arms from Kou's grip.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to talk to you" Kou said. "But maybe now's not the right time since you look agitated".

"I think its best that we don't talk... like ever" Aina said. She wanted to get away from this guy because she don't want Hikari to misunderstand them or get worried. "Look. If you're thinking that you can get back with Hikari by befriending me, it won't work"

Kou was left speechless and so Aina decided to go up the stairs, but then,

"Aina" Kou called.

And Aina stopped from climbing the stairs and looked at Kou.

"Just so you know, I won't give up... on you" and Kou walked away. With this words Aina was left surprised with what Kou told her that it keeps on ringing in her ears.

"Give up on me? Is he crazy?" Aina murmured to herself and tried to pinch her cheeks to see if she's dreaming. And when she felt the slight pain, she can't help but sigh with what is happening. She can't understand why Kou suddenly became interested with her.

When Aina arrived at the classroom everyone approached her and welcome her back. Hikari is still not in the classroom when she arrived and so she talked for the meantime with other students until Yuri approached her.

"Can we talk?" Yuri asked.

Meanwhile at the Kendo locker room, Kou was changing his clothes to uniform when Haru approached him. He first looked aroind if there are other people in the area before he spoke.

"I saw you awhile ago" Haru said and he sat at the bench.

"Saw? Where?"

""At the lobby with Aina" Haru said. "What happen to your plans of getting Hikari back?"

Kou let go a big sigh then proceed to buttoning his polo. Then he closed his locker and lean his back on it and crosses his arms.

"I don't know man" Kou said. "I suddenly became interested with her. There's something in her that have sparked my interest"

"I noticed that in you whenever they pass by the lobby or the cafeteria, you were always looking at her" Haru added. "And whenever she needs help, you are always there"

"You really know me Haru" Kou smirked and give his friend a pat on the back as if saying 'well done'.

"We've been together since kindergarten, how should I not know you?" Haru said. "But if you are to pursue Aina, don't you think you:ll have a problem with Hikari since they are very close?"

"That's what I thought" Kou said and clasps his hands. "But whether Hikari approves or not, the final answer always depends on how Aina will respond to me. She doesn't even talk to me unless needed."

"Yeah man. That's bad news"

"I want to get close her, but I don't know how. She's avoiding me." Kou said.


Meanwhile, when Yuri and Aina reached the far left wing of the school, where there's no students were around, Yuri started to talk, breaking the silence between them.

"I heard from Hikari that she went to your house to visit you" Yuri said.

"She did" Aina responded. "What about it?"

"I guess it can't be helped that even I asked you to avoid her, she will be the one to go for you" Yuri said and held her head as if thinking of something. "I only fear that someone will know about your secret"

"Everyone would know unless otherwise you tell them" Aina said. "I understand how much you care for Hikari, but isn't it too much for a friend to meddle on things that only Hikari can decide?"

Yuri knows she's just a friend but she cannot just let any people or anything destroy every hard work Hikari have done for the past years. "You just don't understand what it feels like to see Hikari having a hard time dealing with school and her family"

"I know what it feels like, because you're one of the burdens that Hikari has to deal with"


Yuri slapped Aina. She cannot bear the words that Aina is spitting out that she couldn't help herself but hit her. She doesn't know where Aina took the guts to talk to her that way when its only a few months ago since she transfered.

And ever since Aina came, everything becomes difficult. It's all her fault. If Aina didn't transferred to their school, everything would have been smooth sailing.

"If you really are a friend to Hikari why not help her instead of depending on her that she must do this and that alone?" Aina said and looked intently to Yuri. "As her friend, shouldn't we help her rather than saying 'poor Hikari she has some daddy issues to deal with' without asking in return and just do it voluntarily because we care? I mean, if Hikari is really a friend to you, no matter what happen you'll support her. No matter how good or bad her decisions are, you'll support her because that's how people learn and grow. They learn from their mistakes. You might have forgotten that she is no longer a kid. She's a young adult now. And you too, should grow up."

Yuri was left speechless with what Aina had to say. Angry and annoyed, she has to admit that what Aina told her is right. However, she only does not want Hikari to get hurt, the very reason why she is against with their relationship. Yet, who is she to judge when her friend is in love with the person in front of her.

"I know how much Hikari means to you" Aina said. "But if time comes that I would be a real burden to her, I will leave for good".

Yuri was startled with the last words of Aina. She didn't expect such for she believes they are madly in love with each other. But how come this person was able to spill out words as if stating a bad future to look ahead?

"I thought you love her, that's why you're fighting so hard to keep what you two have now?" Yuri said.

"Yes I do, and will always" Aina said and smiled.

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