The Girl He Left Behind

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" 'It's horrible how much that they think their words don't hurt. Words will hurt more than any hit or punch. Because unless they leave a scar...then they're gone in a few weeks. But words...they stay forever.' "
-The Girl He Left Behind

This book is great because it encourages us to stop bullying. It tells the story from another perspective to let people know not to judge a book by its cover.

Other books:

Book2: The Girl Who Said Goodbye

TGHBL rewrite: Cracks in our Armour





Stacey Williams had always loved Axel Teller.

But he had paid her no mind. She wanted more than the meaningless flings they had. She wanted her love to be returned. She wanted to be loved back.

She did everything to get his attention. She had one-night stands with countless boys - throwing away her innocence - and tearing apart her reputation.

All for him.

But Axel didn't notice Stacey as anything more than a girl to have a fling with on the side. And Stacey watched as the boy she loved fall for another girl, and they were happy and complete. And Stacey was alone and hated.

Tarnished and scarred.

She was the girl he left behind...and the girl he never remembered.

cover by silverfinger-

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