19)Worth Killing Over

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My leg bounced up and down. My patience for the wait on this cop were out the window hours ago.  I'd gone half crazy when I took the responsibility to save Saint's ass. At first, I thought the anticipation would be a successful ending. but right mow my motivation was dead.

I had Tia rubbng my back, while Jamie criticized me every other minute, by calling me a hoe, and telling me I can have her 'sloppy seconds'. Both relaxing and excitement, made my head pound. I grew tired of the wait, and I just wanted to be home.

Little Maricel had been sleep for 30 minutes now, I was glad. This way, she couldn't see my nerves exploding.

A tap at the door forced me to leap toward the door, like an unnatural being, I slung the door open and starred down a bold man on the other end.

"I'm Officer Daniel, nice to meet you folks, we don't get many visitors here nowadays. People don't know a good view, and good hunting when they see it." Said the country bold cop with a slight giggle.

"Hi Officer Daniel,  I'm Mariana Hernandez. Santiago Chavez told me you may have information on his whereabouts." I greeted for all of us.

"May I?" He asked for entrance, I allowed him inside.

Everyone sat at the oversized table, and impatiently waited for him to give us information.

"I met Santiago at an organic store, in Charlestown, couple miles from here. He was clung so tight to his mama's dress, you'd think the dress would rip from his embrace. They were as close as United States and Canada, Saint and his mama." He sat in silence for a while, I'm guessing to reminisce. Neither of us minded, we all wanted to know what the cop had to say.

"Anywho, he would clutch onto his mama, but keep his bug eyes stuck on me." Officer Daniel grabbed his stomach and laughed. "Every Friday I'd go to the organic store to see that young bull stare me down. Til' one day, I ask him, I say, 'you lost boy?" Off. Daniel stroked his beard.

"That's the year he told me. His sister was sent to some catholic school in the city, and his paw had to serve prison time. The boy told me, he was sick and tired of doing 'girly things' with his mama, he wanted to come down to my ranch and shoot a gun." Officer Daniel's story had a interesting twist. Neither of us knew the Saint that he was describing, and we all gathered the information according to our relationship with him.

"So I took him to the Ranch, he was such a curious child. I showed him everything a man needed to know through the long summer days. He was 11 then." He ran his hands through his bushy grey hair.

"The next time I saw the young bull, he was at my back door with a young girl wrapped in his arms. His face was dirtied up, the young girl was shivering. Helicopters were flying carelessly through the night sky's looking for the two children. I snatched the two inside, and hid them away in the cellar." He paused. "The Sheriff questioned me about the two children. Saying they would be shot dead when they were found, I devoted my life to making sure the two children were okay."

"The young girl went off with my late wife, Anna, but the boy stayed with me. Each year I watched him evolve from a young curious kid to a businessman of his own establishment. With both parents dead, he used the sadness to open his mind to new trades. Although he has never seen the inside of a classroom, the boy ain't no fool. He could build a house out of wood and grass. He became a Mexican renaissance man. He could farm, he could build, he could assist, he could communicate, the damn boy could fish." He folded his arms.

"He left the ranch around 13 or 14 years old. I haven't spoken to him until now. But, I've always had little hints that he was around, my bills would get mysteriously paid in advance, little things that happened weren't because of God, it was that damn boy." He slammed his hand on the table and smiled.

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