25.) Do You Like Surprises ?

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Saint's POV
Saint's POV
Saint's POV
Saint's POV
Saint's POV

When I told Mariana that my men found Miguel in a cave, I was distracting her. I was distracting her from her pill addiction. I gave her hope to see her brother so she could get out of the gloomy mood she's been in.

I will fix this.

She must've been crazy to think I was done kissing up to her. Although I ate her out in the backseat of the limo, I still wanted her to know I appreciated her participation in my breakout.

If it wasn't for Mariana doing what she did for me, then I would still be getting tortured. 

The thought of another man feeling in-control of my life cholers me. I clenched the steering wheel tighter. My teeth gritted. I mumbled Spanglish cuss words under my breath.

Mariana looked at me questionably. I looked at her, and the tension in my body loosened. She has a weird control over me. A good control though. I hated that.

Don't get me wrong, Mariana is a foolish girl. She's naïve, she's childlike, and an emotional mess. But she is still a good person.

I never need people. I hate to lean on people, that's not Santiago. I'm an independent man with pride and dignity. But I know if I needed Mariana, she would be there. And was I wrong? I needed her and she was there.

I know she felt stupid for saving me, because she'll do whatever the hell I say.

I know she slightly fears me. I slightly fear me. But I plan to change Mariana and I's relationship. To what?--- I don't know yet.

We have a connection, but seemingly we only connect after we got at war with each other.

I promise myself to fix that.

I know I'm wrong. I've antagonized Mariana for her immaturity and her guileless. But I'm going to make it right.

I've treated everyone like this, and that's why I have nobody. But I think I need her.

I have Jamie to sex up, and Tia for family. Officer Daniel is my 2nd father, but that's it. That's my circle. Nobody else. I'm a very lonely man.

Every time I'm behind the wheel I realize I get deeper in thought. They say the road clears your mind, but it seems to clog mine.

I shook the deep dark thoughts out of my mind.

I looked over at Mariana. She was saddened, but she wouldn't be for much longer.

I pay attention to the road. I grinned a little because she had no clue how happy she'd be when she saw what I had for her tonight.

My mind shifted to the man I killed for Mariana. I killed him. He took my loyalty for granted, by kidnapping the one person I begin to actually care about her.

I still don't know who told her to undress herself. I still wanted to find out who and where he is. So I can watch him bleed out from a stab wound through his chest.

If you fuck with anybody in my circle, you better believe, I'm going to die about it.

She was becoming too significant. Mariana has me failing. I kissed her passionately before I was taken away in hand cuffs.

I ran my fingers down her very fit body. She was so remarkable, remarkably sexy, remarkably amazing, remarkably different.

I've never felt this way about someone. Not even Jamie.

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