End of the Week Happiness

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Morning Time

Last night I had a dream about a gummy bear. We were skipping through a meadow and then dark clouds came and the gummy bear ate me. It went from a happy red color to a dark licorice color. I was swallowed by the gummy bear and then I heard a loud beeping noise coming from the clouds.

It was my stupid phone.

I turned off the alarm and started to get ready. I brushed my teeth and hair. Then, I put on an aztec print shirt, blue jeans, and brown flats with little hole shapes in the sides. I pulled my hair out of my face into a side ponytail and then put on a thin layer of mascara and lipgloss. I looked into my mirror and realized that I was no longer Skylar Zing: shy, unpopular, no crushes. I was Skylar Zing: socialite, popular, has crushes. This image would get me things that I didn't want in the past. This image would get me to the top.

I shook my head to clear the thought away. I grabbed my bag and bounced downstairs. My mom was making some out-of-the-box pancakes. She was getting better though. She served 4 fluffy pancakes on the table with orange juice and eggs. I smiled and sat down to eat my food. Usually I would just grab an apple or 5 bucks. If I didn't eat breakfast I would go to McDonalds or Starbucks and buy a muffin or donut. I've bought my lunch there too.

I could tell my mom wanted to help but didn't know how to. It was Thursday so I only had 1 more day left with here. She goes back to work on Saturday. Wait no!!! She leaves at night so I really only have today!!!! I can't believe my mom would set me up like that!!!!! I chugged my orange juice and stuffed in the pancakes. I ran out of the door before my mom could blink.

Outside the cold Virginia air blew into my face. Maybe I should get a sweater? No, then I'd have to go and face my mom. I looked back at the door and heard my mother's footsteps. I ran down the driveway and didn't stop until I got to the bus stop(5 blocks away). Savannah was standing there but looked angry. When a popular girl is angry who stand back or kiss up to her like an idiot. Either way you better know how. I usually pick to stand back but I've kissed up to Savannah before. Like with her boyfriend and makeup. Gosh!!! She deserved to get dumped. I should have left her face looking like that. If I did then maybe Hannah might not have gotten tripped. But if I hadn't then I wouldn't have my phone or this shirt or these jeans or these shoes. Ok maybe I am using Savannah to get what I want. Popularity, boys(ok I don't really have a boyfriend yet), clothes, iPhone, hats, money, and etc. What would happen if Savannah found out. Did she? Am I in the safe zone?!?!?!? I remained quiet and then plugged in my earbuds to listen to music. My favorite songs played in a smooth tone.

1. Popular Song by Mika feat. Arianna Grande

2. Radioactive by Imagine Dragons

It was a great playlist until the bus pulled up to the corner. I turned my volume down and put my phone in my pocket.

At School

I walked into the gym to find Keith and some kid named Titus fighting. Titus probably got made and went into a rage. Keith just attacked whenever needed. Keith turned and saw me. Our eyes locked and then he just ran away. I followed him involuntarily. It was like The Universe wanted me to follow him. Usually I would just sit on the bleachers and txt my friends: Fight!!!! Or Go People I Don't Know!!!! And my signature sign is, I Can't Watch. And then I'll cover my face with my eyes poking out.

A few people followed me outside but most stayed inside. I ran after him all the way to the football field. Keith finally stopped and looked up at me for the first time. I realized that I had seen him before. And not just from the halls........from another time.


We were on the kiddie playground, me and Keith had just climbed up to the top and were about to slide down the slide. Keith smiled and said,"I love you Skylar!"

"I love you too!"

We hugged and then he playfully pushed me down the side closely following behind. At the bottom of the slide we laughed even though I skidded my knee. That really hurt. He then planted a small unprepared kiss on my cheek. I blushed and then ran away. He chased after me but he never caught up. And we never saw each other again.

Keith sighed deeply and then started,"Skylar Zing. I have been wondering where you were ever since I was 4. I have never loved anyone other than you."

A single tear ran down my face revealing a small trace of mascara. I hugged him tightly staining the back of his neck with my tears. This was SO sweet. Keith hadn't forgotten me but I had done that to him. Did Keith notice. Of course he did!!! Gosh no wonder why he ran away from me. After a while he pulled away and kissed me. His arms wrapped around me and pulled me close. This was awesome. I know it's a pretty lame word but that's how I felt. I then heard a few people talking about us. I heard 1 kid say,"Whoa I can't believe they're dating now!" I turned around and me and Keith said in unison,"It's official!!!"

We both then kissed again.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we walked away. Instead if walking to the school we walked to the park. Ok yeah cutting class. Whatever!!! Gosh!!! The park had green grass, colorful flowers, and the biggest trees. Keith walked under one tree and sat down against the trunk. I trailed behind. We sat down and talked forever.

"So Keith, I guess we're dating now."


"Well should we just go on a date and then become a couple?"

"Let's do a few dates."

I felt so weird asking these questions

"Ok.......do you wanna come over tonight? My mom is working late."

"Sure Sky."

"Keith I know this may seem weird but-"

He cut me off with a small kiss on my cheek. I smiled and then laid down on his chest. We stayed there in the soft grass until sunset. He shook my shoulder slightly to wake me up.

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